WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors.

Legal Information: Maine


Laws current as of October 4, 2024

Can my alimony be changed?

If you were awarded spousal support before October 1, 2013, the judge may change (modify) the order if:

  • the judge believes that fairness requires it to be changed; and
  • there is nothing specifically written into the order that says it cannot be changed or modified.1

If you were awarded spousal support on or after October 1, 2013, the judge can change the award if:

  • the judge believes that fairness requires it to be changed; and
  • there is a substantial change in financial circumstances.1

The judge can make, modify, or enforce a spousal support award while a divorce action is pending or even while a divorce order is being appealed.2

1 ME ST T. 19-A § 951-A(4)
2 ME ST T. 19-A § 951-A(11)