August 6, 2024Statutes: Kentucky
- Title III. Executive Branch
- Title IV. Judicial Branch
- Title XIX. Public Safety and Morals
- Title XXXII. Ownership and Conveyance of Property
- Title XXXV. Domestic Relations
- Chapter 403. Dissolution of Marriage; Child Custody
- Dissolution; Legal Separation
- Custody
- 403.270 Custodial issues; best interests of child shall determine; rebuttable presumption that joint custody and equally shared parenting time is in child’s best interests; de facto custodian
- 403.315 Presumption that joint custody and equally shared parenting time is in best interest of child inapplicable if domestic violence order entered against a party
- 403.320 Visitation of minor child; military deployment of parent or custodian; visitation rights of custodial relatives following termination of parental rights of others
- 403.322 Custody, visitation, and inheritance rights denied parent convicted of felony sexual offense from which victim delivered a child; waiver; child support obligation
- Domestic Violence and Abuse
- 403.727 Orders of protection involving minors; procedures
- 403.715 Interpretation of KRS 403.715 to 403.785 by court.
- 403.720 Definitions for KRS 403.715 to 403.785
- 403.725 Petition for order of protection; venue; verified contents; concurrent jurisdiction; protocols for access and supplemental jurisdiction; referral
- 403.730 Immediate review of petition; summons to evidentiary hearing; ex parte emergency protective order
- 403.735 Hearing on petition for order of protection; criteria to assess appropriate relief and sanctions; continuance of hearing and emergency protective order
- 403.740 Domestic violence order; restrictions; temporary child support; expiration and reissuance
- 403.745 Duration of emergency protective order and domestic violence order; prohibited costs and conditions; mutual orders of protection; amendment; expungement
- 403.750 Order of protection for family member or member of unmarried couple upon filing of petition or action under KRS Chapter 403
- 403.7505 Certification standards for mental health professionals providing court-mandated treatment; list of certified providers to Administrative Office of the Courts; submission of data to cabinet; distribution of compiled data
- 403.751 Entry of summons or order of protection issued pursuant to KRS 403.715 to 403.785 into Law Information Network of Kentucky
- 403.7521 Foreign protective orders; rebuttable presumption of validity; enforcement; civil and criminal proceedings mutually exclusive
- 403.7524 Statement to assist out-of-state court in determining whether order issued under KRS 403.715 to 403.785 is entitled to full faith and credit
- 403.7527 Filing of foreign protective order and affidavit; certification by issuing court official; entry into Law Information Network of Kentucky
- 403.7529 Authentication of foreign protective order
- 403.7531 Clearing of foreign protective orders from Law Information Network of Kentucky
- 403.7535 Duty to notify court of change in foreign protective order
- 403.761 Amendment of domestic violence order to require participation in global positioning monitoring system; cost to be paid by respondent and system operator; shortening or vacating of order; penalty for violation
- 403.763 Violation of order of protection constitutes contempt of court and criminal offense
- 403.785 Duties of law enforcement officers and agencies
- Chapter 403A. Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act
- Chapter 405. Parent and Child
- Chapter 403. Dissolution of Marriage; Child Custody
- Title XL. Crimes and Punishments
- Title XLII. Miscellaneous Practice Provisions
- Title L. Penal Code
- Chapter 500. General Provisions
- Chapter 508. Assault and Related Offenses
- 508.010 Assault in the first degree
- 508.020 Assault in the second degree
- 508.025 Assault in the third degree
- 508.030 Assault in the fourth degree
- 508.032 Assault of family member or member of an unmarried couple
- 508.040 Assault under extreme emotional disturbance
- 508.050 Menacing
- 508.060 Wanton endangerment in the first degree
- 508.070 Wanton endangerment in the second degree
- 508.100 Criminal abuse in the first degree
- 508.110 Criminal abuse in the second degree
- 508.120 Criminal abuse in the third degree
- 508.130 Definitions for KRS 508.130 to 508.150
- 508.140 Stalking in the first degree
- 508.150 Stalking in the second degree
- 508.170 Strangulation in the first degree
- 508.175 Strangulation in the second degree
- Chapter 509. Kidnapping and Related Offenses
- Chapter 510. Sexual Offenses
- 510.037 Conviction for rape, sodomy, or sexual abuse or for criminal attempt, conspiracy, facilitation, or solicitation to commit any degree of these crimes triggers application for interpersonal protective order
- 510.040 Rape in the first degree
- 510.050 Rape in the second degree
- 510.060 Rape in the third degree
- 510.110 Sexual abuse in the first degree
- 510.120 Sexual abuse in the second degree
- 510.130 Sexual abuse in the third degree
- 510.140 Sexual misconduct
- Chapter 511. Burglary and Related Offenses
- Chapter 512. Criminal Damage to Property
- Chapter 514. Theft and Related Offenses
- Chapter 525. Riot, Disorderly Conduct, and Related Offenses
- 525.070 Harassment
- 525.080 Harassing communications
- 525.085 Dissemination of personally identifying information
- 525.125 Cruelty to animals in the first degree
- 525.130 Cruelty to animals in the second degree; exemptions; offense involving equines
- 525.135 Torture of dog or cat
- 525.137 Sexual crimes against an animal
- Chapter 526. Eavesdropping and related offenses
- Chapter 527. Offenses Relating to Firearms and Weapons
- Chapter 530. Family Offenses
- Chapter 531. Pornography
- Chapter 532. Classification and Designation of Offenses; Authorized Disposition
- Family Court Rules of Procedure and Practice