December 9, 2024Statutes: Kansas
- Chapter 20. Courts
- Chapter 21. Crimes and Punishments
- Article 51. Preliminary
- Article 54. Crimes Against Persons
- 21-5408. Kidnapping; aggravated kidnapping
- 21-5409. Interference with parental custody; aggravated interference with parental custody
- 21-5411. Criminal restraint
- 21-5412. Assault; aggravated assault; assault of a law enforcement officer; aggravated assault of a law enforcement officer
- 21-5413. Battery; aggravated battery; battery against certain persons; aggravated battery against certain persons
- 21-5414. Domestic battery; aggravated domestic battery
- 21-5426. Human trafficking; aggravated human trafficking
- 21-5427. Stalking
- Article 55. Sex Offenses
- Article 56. Crimes Affecting Family Relationships and Children
- 21-5601. Endangering a child; aggravated endangering a child
- 21-5602. Abuse of a child
- 21-5605. Abandonment of a child; aggravated abandonment of a child
- 21-5606. Criminal nonsupport
- 21-5610. Unlawful possession of a visual depiction of a child
- 21-5611. Unlawful transmission of a visual depiction of a child
- Article 58. Crimes Involving Property
- Article 59. Crimes Affecting Government Functions
- Article 61. Crimes Involving Violations of Personal Rights
- Article 62. Crimes Against the Public Peace
- Article 63. Crimes Against the Public Safety
- Article 64. Crimes Against the Public Morals
- Article 66. Sentencing
- Article 68. Revised Sentencing Guidelines
- Chapter 22. Criminal Procedure
- Chapter 23. Kansas Family Law Code–Revised
- Article 22. Parentage Act
- Article 27. Dissolution of Marriage
- Article 29. Establishment & Modification of Spousal Support
- Article 32. Custody, Residency and Parenting Plans
- 23-3202. Parenting plan; best interest presumed
- 23-3203. Factors considered in determination of child custody, residency and parenting time
- 23-3206. Legal custodial arrangements
- 23-3207. Residential arrangements
- 23-3208. Parenting time; visitation orders; enforcement; child exchange and visitation centers
- 23-3211. Parenting plan; definitions
- 23-3212. Same; temporary orders
- 23-3213. Same; permanent; objectives; general outline, provisions
- 23-3214. Same; court information; classes; mediation; forms
- 23-3218. Modification of child custody, residency, visitation and parenting time; examination of parties
- 23-3221. Modification of parenting time or visitation orders
- 23-3222. Change in child's residence; notice; effect; exceptions
- Article 33. Third Party Visitation
- 23-3305. Uniform nonparent visitation act
- 23-3306. Definitions
- 23-3307. Where this act applies; where this act does not apply; foster parents; individuals whose parental rights have been terminated; relief under this act
- 23-3308. Requirements for court ordered nonparent visitation rights; nonparent consistent caretaker defined; non-parent with substantial relationship defined
- 23-3309. Rebuttable presumption that visitation request is in the best interest of the child; rebutting the presumption
- 23-3310. How a nonparent may commence a proceeding
- 23-3311. Petition verification; relief sought; agreements on record
- 23-3312. Determinations; dismissal
- 23-3313. Notice to parent; legal custodian; individual with court-ordered visitation; attorney
- 23-3314. Guardian ad litem; interview; mediation; assessment
- 23-3315. Considerations for an order of visitation in best interest; views of the child
- 23-3316. Presumption that ordering visitation to a nonparent is not in the best interests of the child; proof for finding; rebutting the presumption
- 23-3317. Modification of final visitation order; finality of rebuttal; modification agreement
- 23-3318. The court shall make findings of fact and conclusion and state reasons for dismissal or denial
- 23-3319. Written notice; failure to give notice; consideration of a material change of circumstances
- 23-3320. Expense of visitation; services ordered; costs and attorneys fees
- 23-3321. Promote uniformity of the law
- 23-3322. Interaction with the electronic signature in global and national commerce act and electronic delivery of any notices
- 23-3323. Application of act
- 23-3324. Severability
- Article 35. Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Article 37. Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA)
- Article 38. Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act (Ucapa)
- Chapter 39. Mentally Ill, Incapacitated and Dependent Persons; Social Welfare
- Chapter 60. Procedure, Civil
- Article 20. Costs
- Article 31. Protection from Abuse Act
- 60-3101. Citation and construction of act
- 60-3102. Definitions
- 60-3103. Jurisdiction
- 60-3104. Commencement of proceedings; persons seeking relief on behalf of minor child; forms; no docket fee; confidentiality of certain matters, exceptions
- 60-3105. Emergency relief
- 60-3106. Hearings; temporary orders pending hearing, modification
- 60-3107. Orders for relief of abuse, procedure; modifications; inconsistent orders; violation of orders, criminal violations and penalties
- 60-3108. Notice of protection orders
- 60-3109. Procedure
- 60-3110. Contempt
- 60-3112. Entering protection orders into the national criminal information center protection order file
- Article 31A. Protection from Stalking or Sexual Assault Act
- 60-31a01. Citation and construction of act
- 60-31a02. Definitions
- 60-31a03. Jurisdiction
- 60-31a04. Commencement of proceedings; persons seeking relief on behalf of minor; forms; no docket fee; confidentiality exceptions
- 60-31a05. Hearing; temporary orders pending hearing
- 60-31a06. Orders; time periods; amendments; costs
- 60-31a07. Notice of protection orders
- 60-31a08. Procedure
- 60-31a09. Contempt
- Article 31B. Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act
- Chapter 61. Procedure, Civil, for Limited Actions