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Legal Information: Kansas


Laws current as of December 9, 2024

How can an order of custody, residency, or parenting time be changed?

A judge can change an order of custody, residency, or parenting time if you can show that the significant circumstances have changed from when the order was issued.1 The judge may change the order if s/he believes it is in the best interest of the child. One example of a “change in circumstances” might be when the other parent violates your current custody order or tries to interfere with your rights to see your child.

One thing you can request as part of a modification petition, for example, could be to make the exchange of the children at a child exchange and visitation center if the other parent is being abusive during the exchange of the child.2

To get a custody or residency order changed, you may need to file a “motion to modify a final order pertaining to child custody or residential placement.” In this motion, the will be a place for you to explain how your circumstances have changed. If a judge finds that your request for a change in your custody order is reasonable, s/he should grant a hearing. At the end of this hearing, a judge may decide to either change your custody order or keep it the way that it was.

For more information on filing for change in custody, we recommend contacting a lawyer. Please see our KS Finding a Lawyer page for legal help in your area.

1 Kan. Stat. § 23-3218(a)
2 Kan. Stat. § 23-3221