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Legal Information: Connecticut

State Gun Laws

Laws current as of November 7, 2024

If the abuser's gun is taken away, what will happen to it?

If you have a final restraining or protective order, the abuser has 24 hours after being served with notice of the order to turn over all firearms and ammunition to a federally licensed firearms dealer, to the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection, or to a local police department.1 Once the restraining order expires, the guns will generally be returned to the abuser within five business days of his/her request.2 If the abuser transfers the guns to law enforcement, s/he can later arrange for them to be transferred to another person instead, such as a friend or relative.3

1 C.G.S.A. § 29-36k(b), (c)(1)
2 C.G.S.A. § 29-36k(c)(3)
3 C.G.S.A. § 29-36k(d)