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Legal Information: Colorado


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Laws current as of October 24, 2024

How will a judge make a decision about allocation of parental responsibilities?

When awarding allocation of parental responsibilities, the judge will consider what is in the best interests of the child, giving the highest consideration to the child’s safety.1 In general, s/he will assume that frequent and continuing contact between each parent and the child is in that child’s “best interest” in most cases but the court recognizes that this is not always appropriate.2

When making a decision about parenting time the judge will consider all relevant factors, including:

  1. the wishes of the child’s parents as to parenting time;
  2. the wishes of the child if s/he is mature enough to state his/her preference as to the parenting time schedule;
  3. the interaction and relationship of the child with his/her parents, siblings, and any other person who may significantly affect the child’s best interests;
  4. the child’s adjustment to his/her home, school, and community;
  5. the mental and physical health of all people involved; (Note: A disability alone cannot be a reason to deny or restrict parenting time);
  6. the ability of the parties to encourage the sharing of love, affection, and contact between the child and the other party; however, if the judge believes that a party is acting to protect the child from witnessing domestic violence or from being a victim of child abuse or neglect or domestic violence, the party’s protective actions will not be considered with respect to this factor;
  7. the past pattern of involvement of the parties with the child, considering the values shown, the time commitment made, etc.;
  8. how close the parties live to each other as this relates to a practical schedule of parenting time; and
  9. the ability of each party to place the needs of the child ahead of his or her own needs.3

Note: Regarding factor #2, above, either party can file a motion to ask the judge to interview the child in the judge’s office (chambers) in order to find out the child’s wishes.4  

The judge should not consider information or recommendations that are biased, including bias regarding religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, culture, race, ethnicity, national origin, or disability.5

When making a decision about parental decision-making responsibilities, the judge will consider all relevant factors, including:

  • all of the factors listed above;
  • if the parties can cooperate and make decisions jointly, looking at the past pattern of involvement of the parties as one way to decide this; and
  • if an allocation of mutual (joint) decision-making responsibility on one or more issues would cause more frequent contact between the child and each of the parties.6

When a claim of child abuse or neglectdomestic violence, or sexual assault that resulted in the conception of the child has been made in court, the judge must consider the factors discussed in Can a parent who committed abuse against me or my child get parental responsibilities?

Note: The judge will not consider conduct of a parent that does not affect that parent’s relationship to the child and the judge will not presume that one parent is better able to serve the best interests of the child because of that person’s sex.7

In general, a parent will be given parenting time unless, after a hearing, the judge finds that parenting time would endanger the child’s physical health or significantly harm the child’s emotional development.3

1 C.R.S. §§ 14-10-124; 14-10-123.4
2 C.R.S. § 14-10-124(1)
3 C.R.S. § 14-10-124(1.5)(a), (4)(a)
4 C.R.S. § 14-10-126(1)
5 C.R.S. § 14-10-124(1.5)(a.5)
6 C.R.S. § 14-10-124(1.5)(b)
7 C.R.S. § 14-10-124(2), (3)

Can I get temporary allocation of parental responsibilities in Colorado?

If you have recently arrived in Colorado state, and Colorado is not the home state of the child, a federal law called the UCCJEA allows for a person to file for temporary emergency custody in a state other than the home state if:

  • the child is present in the state; and
  • the child has been abandoned or it is necessary in an emergency to protect the child because the child, a sibling or a parent of the child is subjected to or threatened with mistreatment or abuse.1

If the child’s home state is Colorado, and you are currently in the middle of a custody proceeding, it may be the case that temporary parental rights and responsibilities orders may issued while the case waits to be resolved through trial or a settlement where a final order will be issued. Please speak to a lawyer who is familiar with Colorado custody laws to find out for sure whether or not this may be available in your county and in your situation. For lawyers, go to our CO Finding a Lawyer page.

For more information, please see Can I get temporary emergency custody? in our general parental kidnapping section.

1 C.R.S. § 14-13-204(1)

If I leave the home because of domestic violence, will this hurt my chances of getting parental responsibilites?

According to the law, if you are absent or leave the home because of an act or threatened act of domestic violence by the other parent, your absence is not supposed to be a factor used by the judge in determining the best interests of the child.1

If you have not yet left the home, you may want to get help to make a plan that will allow you to safely and legally take the children with you when you leave.  If you want help doing this, you can talk to a lawyer who has experience with domestic violence and custody issues and/or a domestic violence advocate in your area.  See our CO Places that Help page.

1 C.R.S. § 14-10-124(4)(c)

After I file for allocation of parental responsibilities, can I take my child out of state? Are there any other restrictions?

Once either parent files a petition concerning the allocation of parental responsibilities, there is an automatic temporary injunction stating that both parties cannot:

  • bother or disturb the peace of the other party, which can be enforced by the police;
  • remove the child from the state without the consent of all other parties or an order of the court; and
  • cancel, modify, or stop paying premiums on a health insurance policy that provides coverage to the child or a life insurance policy that names the child as a beneficiary unless:
    • the parent gives all parties at least fourteen days’ notice; and
    • either
      • all parties consent to the cancelation or change in writing; or
      • the judge allows the change or cancelation in a court order.1

These restrictions becomes effective on the party who files the petition immediately upon filing; they become effective on the other party when s/he is served.1 They stay in effect until the judge enters the final custody order, dismisses the petition, or enters an order modifying the injunction’s restrictions.2

Note: If either party files for divorce, the same restrictions apply as well as an additional restriction against transferring, concealing, or getting rid of marital property.3

1 C.R.S. § 14-10-123(3)(a),(d)
2 C.R.S. § 14-10-123(3)(b)
3 See C.R.S. § 14-10-107(4)(b)

Will my child get a lawyer appointed to represent his/her interests?

When awarding allocation of parental responsibilities, the judge can appoint a lawyer to serve as the legal representative of the child. It is the legal representative’s responsibility to represent the best interests of the child with respect to custody, allocation of parental responsibilities, child support, the child’s property, parenting time or any other issue related to the child that is identified by the legal representative of the child or the court.1

Either or both parents may have to pay the fees of the child’s legal representative unless the parent(s) are determined to be indigent (poor), in which case the state will pay the fees.2

1 C.R.S. § 14-10-116(1), (2)
2 C.R.S. § 14-10-116(3)(a)

Do I need a lawyer?

You do not need a lawyer to file for allocation of parental responsibilities. However, it is highly recommended that you get a lawyer to make sure that your rights are protected. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may be able to find sources of free or low-cost legal help on our CO Finding a Lawyer page.

If you are unable to get a lawyer to help you and you plan to file for custody on your own, you may want to visit the Colorado Judicial Branch website, which provides links to paperwork you need to fill out and file with the court. Even if you plan on representing yourself, you should try to have a lawyer review your papers before you file them.

If you are going to be in court without a lawyer, our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section may be useful to you.