Local Programs
This page has contact information for programs that offer help/referrals to victims of abuse throughout the state. If you plan to contact a program via email, please review our Safety when using email page first.
Have a suggestion or correction? Contact us!
Please note that we list the organizations by the town, city or county where the office is located – however, many offices serve multiple towns or counties. You can click the “View All” to look through the complete list of organizations. If you are looking for an attorney to represent you in court or to give you legal advice about your situation, go to our Finding a Lawyer page instead.
YWCA Family Violence Program
HomeSafe - Robertson
HomeSafe - Robertson County provides risk assessment and safety planning, emergency shelter, counseling, support groups, court and law-enforcement advocacy and accompaniment services, help obtaining an order of protection, case management, community education, children and youth services for victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Helplines available 24 hours a day: Domestic Violence (615) 452-4315 / Sexual Assault (615) 454-0373 / Assistance in Spanish (615) 969-3260
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, closed Saturdays & Sundays
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center
The Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center provides emergency shelter, 24 hour crisis line, counseling, sexual assault forensic exams and advocacy programs for domestic violence and sexual assault victims.