Morning Star Sanctuary exists to provide refuge for victims of domestic violence and their children who have fled abusive situations. Morning Star Sanctuary is operated by AGAPE program for residents of the Middle Tennessee area. Children advocacy, mentoring and court advocacy programs are also available.
Local Programs
This page has contact information for programs that offer help/referrals to victims of abuse throughout the state. If you plan to contact a program via email, please review our Safety when using email page first.
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Please note that we list the organizations by the town, city or county where the office is located – however, many offices serve multiple towns or counties. You can click the “View All” to look through the complete list of organizations. If you are looking for an attorney to represent you in court or to give you legal advice about your situation, go to our Finding a Lawyer page instead.
Morning Star Sanctuary
Project Safe - Vanderbilt University
Project Safe at Vanderbilt University is a coordinated campus-wide effort aimed at education, prevention and response services for Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff affected by sexual assault, intimate partner abuse, and stalking.
Safe Haven Family Shelter
Safe Haven is the only shelter-to-housing program of its kind in Middle Tennessee that accepts the entire homeless family.
Sexual Assault Center
The Sexual Assault Center offers free of charge advocate services to individuals affected by sexual violence. Providing information and assistance in filing for Victim’s Compensation, assistance navigating the criminal justice system, help filing a police report, referrals to community resources, appropriate civil legal/attorney referrals, information and assistance filing for an Order of Protection.
Office Hours: Mon - Thur 8 AM to 6 PM & Fri 8 AM to 2 PM
The Mary Parrish Center (MPC)
The Mary Parrish Center provides a full array of no-cost, comprehensive services to survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking. Other services provided are: transitional housing assistance, clinical therapy, emergency financial assistance, housing advocacy, enrichment activities and case management. Assistance for victims with the Order of Protection process and providing support for their next steps is also available.
YWCA Shelter & Domestic Violence Program
The YWCA empowers domestic violence survivors to take control of their lives, while offering them safety and the resources to ensure their self-sufficiency. The YWCA operates the largest emergency domestic violence shelter in the state of Tennessee. If you are in danger, need to speak with an advocate, have general questions about domestic violence or a specific situation you would like to talk through, please call the YWCA’s 24-hour Crisis & Support Helpline at 1-800-334-4628. Additional services provided include: 24-hour Crisis & Support Helpline, emergency shelter at the Weaver Domestic Violence Center (up to 45 days), one-on-one case management services, adult and children’s counseling, transitional housing, community support groups (English & Spanish), community education & outreach programs, financial literacy education and career counseling.
Women Are Safe - Dickson
Women Are Safe provides emergency shelter, court advocacy, advocacy services for children, safety planning, community programs and support groups for victims of domestic violence. Serves residents in Humphreys, Dickson, Hickman, Perry, Lewis and all surrounding counties (even other states depending on the circumstances). A 24 hour crisis line available by calling (800) 470-1117.
Two main shelters located in Dickson and Hickman counties.
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8 AM to 4 PM
Northwest Safeline Domestic
Domestic violence assistance agency for victims of abuse.