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Información Legal: Idaho

Leyes Estatales de Armas de Fuego

Laws current as of
7 de noviembre de 2023

Cuál es la diferencia entre las leyes federales y estatales de armas de fuego? ¿Por qué necesito entender ambas?

En estas páginas sobre las leyes de armas de fuego, nos referimos tanto a las “leyes federales sobre armas de fuego” como a las “leyes estatales de armas de fuego”. La diferencia más grande entre las dos tiene que ver con quién crea la ley, quién procesa a los/as que la incumplen, y cuál es la penalidad por violar la ley.

Una razón por la que es importante para usted conocer que existen estos dos tipos de leyes de armas de fuego es que pueda entender todas las formas posibles en las que el/la agresor/a puede estar violando la ley y así usted puede protegerse mejor. En esta sección, nos estaremos refiriendo mayormente a las leyes estatales. Pero asegúrese también de leer nuestras páginas de Leyes Federales sobre Armas de Fuego para ver si alguna ley federal le aplica a su situación. Es posible que necesite leer tanto las leyes estatales como las federales para ver si el/la agresor/a está violando alguna de ellas.

Si va a llamar a la policía porque cree que el/la agresor/a ha violado alguna de las leyes de armas de fuego, no necesariamente tiene que decirle a la policía cuál ley fue violada (estatal versus federal) pero la policía local no puede arrestar a una persona por violar las leyes federales, sólo puede arrestarle por violar las leyes estatales/locales. Solamente el Departamento de Alcohol, Tabaco y Armas de Fuego (“ATF” por sus siglas en inglés) puede arrestar a una persona por violar las leyes federales. Si la policía local cree que se está violando una ley estatal, puede arrestar a el/la agresor/a y pasarle el caso a el/la fiscal del estado. Si la policía local cree que se está violando una ley federal, con suerte, el departamento de policía le notificará al “ATF” o a la oficina de el/la Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos en su estado (que es el/la fiscal federal). Para información sobre cómo puede contactar al “ATF” directamente para reportar la violación de las leyes federales de armas de fuego, vaya a ¿A quién le notifico si pienso que el agresor no debe tener un arma de fuego? Si el/la agresor/a está violando tanto leyes estatales como federales, le pueden procesar tanto en la corte estatal como en la federal.

Soy víctima de violencia doméstica y el agresor tiene un arma de fuego. ¿Eso es legal?

According to Idaho state law, anyone who meets any of the following cannot get a license to carry concealed weapons:

  • is under age twenty-one, although there are exceptions in the law regarding people ages 18 - 21;
  • is currently formally charged with a felony crime;
  • has been found guilty in any court of a felony crime;
  • is a fugitive from justice;
  • is an unlawful user of marijuana or any depressant, stimulant or narcotic drug, or other controlled substance;
  • is currently suffering from, or has been declared by a court as having suffered from, any of the following conditions:
    • lacking mental capacity;
    • mental illness;
    • being gravely disabled; or
    • being an incapacitated person;
  • has been discharged from the armed forces under dishonorable conditions;
  • has received a withheld judgment or suspended sentence for a felony crime, unless the person has successfully completed probation;
  • is currently under probation after having been found guilty of, or received a withheld judgment for, a misdemeanor offense that involves the intentional use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against the person or property of another;
  • is an “alien” illegally in the United States;
  • was a citizen of the United States but has renounced his/her citizenship;
  • is free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal or sentencing for a crime which would disqualify him/her from obtaining a concealed weapons license;
  • is subject to a domestic violence protection order that restrains him/her from harassing, stalking or threatening an intimate partner, his/her own child, or a child of the intimate partner; or engaging in other conduct that would place an intimate partner in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the partner or a child; or
  • is for any other reason ineligible to own, possess or receive a firearm under Idaho law or federal law.1

In addition, Idaho law says that anyone convicted of any of the following felony crimes permanently loses his/her right to have a firearm:

  • aggravated assault;
  • aggravated battery;
  • assault with intent to commit a serious felony;
  • battery with intent to commit a serious felony;
  • burglary;
  • felony domestic battery;
  • felony enticing of children;
  • forcible sexual penetration by use of a foreign object;
  • felony indecent exposure;
  • felony injury to child;
  • felony intimidating a witness;
  • lewd conduct with a minor or child under sixteen;
  • sexual abuse of a child under sixteen;
  • sexual exploitation of a child;
  • felonious rescuing prisoners;
  • escape by one charged with, convicted of or on probation for a felony;
  • unlawful possession of a firearm;
  • degrees of murder;
  • voluntary manslaughter;
  • assault with intent to murder;
  • administering poison with intent to kill;
  • kidnapping;
  • mayhem;
  • rape;
  • robbery;
  • ritualized abuse of a child;
  • cannibalism;
  • felonious manufacture, delivery or possession with the intent to manufacture or deliver, or possession of a controlled or counterfeit substance;
  • trafficking;
  • felony threats against state officials of the executive, legislative or judicial branch;
  • unlawful discharge of a firearm at a dwelling house, occupied building, vehicle or mobile home;
  • unlawful possession of destructive devices;
  • unlawful use of destructive device or bomb; or
  • attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation, to commit any of the above-mentioned crimes.2

If any of these situations apply to the abuser, it may be illegal for him/her to have a gun. Also, federal laws, which apply to all states, restrict an abuser’s right to have a gun if you have a restraining order against him/her that meets certain requirements or if s/he has been convicted of a felony or domestic violence misdemeanor. Go to Federal Gun Laws to get more information.

1 ID Code § 18-3302(11)
2 ID Code § 18-310(2)

¿Cuál es la definición de delito grave?

Under Idaho state law, a felony is any crime that can be punished by death or by imprisonment in a state prison.1

1 ID Code § 18-111