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Legal Information: Ohio

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of October 1, 2024

Can I get a protection order if I'm a minor?

A minor can qualify for a domestic violence protection order against a family our household member who abused them. However, the person who files for the order would be the minor’s parent or adult household member or another adult who is not related to the minor, known as a “next friend.”1

However, a minor cannot get a dating violence protection order against a current or past dating partner since the law specifically permits “an adult who…is in a dating relationship with the respondent who also is an adult” to file.2 A minor can get a stalking or sexually oriented offense protection order against an adult or minor dating partner if the respondent committed a sexually oriented offense or stalking.

1 Ohio Rev. Code § 3113.31(C)
2 Ohio Rev. Code § 3113.31(A)(9)