WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information: New York


Laws current as of
July 7, 2023

If there is a custody order in place, can I take my kids out of the state?

Generally, whether you can take your child out of the state for a short period of time may depend on many factors such as:

  • what your custody order says about it (if anything);
  • whether or not the custody case is still active/pending in the courts (which may mean that neither parent can remove the child from the jurisdiction of the court); and/or
  • whether the trip will interfere in any way with the other parent’s visitation time, etc.

The custody order specifically may allow you to take your child out of the state (for a specific vacation, for example), may prohibit you from taking your child out of the state, or it may not address this issue at all.  In some instances, the judge may require that you post a bond (money) or other security conditioned upon the return of the child to the state.  If you are unsure whether leaving the state with your child temporarily is permitted, please talk to a lawyer who can advise you.

If you want to permanently move out of state or move within the same state to a distant location that would interfere with the other parent’s visitation schedule, or change the child’s school, for example, then you may have to get permission from the other parent or the judge depending upon the specifics of your custody situation.  WomensLaw.org strongly suggests getting legal advice from an attorney first, even if the other parent agrees that you and the children can move.

Things to ask an attorney:

  • If the other parent agrees you can move, you may want to ask an attorney whether or not you still need to formalize this change through the courts (by filing for a modified order) or whether some type of notarized statement signed by both parents with the details of the changes may be sufficient. 
  • If the other parent does not agree to the move and you have to ask a judge for permission, the judge will likely view your request to move as a request for a modification of the custody order.  You should know that it could be difficult to get permission to move, especially if the other parent is active in the child’s life and strongly opposes the move. 

In order to get permission to move from the judge, you must prove to the judge that moving will be in the best interest of your child.  Generally, some factors that the judge will look at are:

  • each parent’s reasons for wanting or opposing the move;
  • the quality of the relationships between the child and each of the parents;
  • the impact of the move on the quantity and quality of the child’s future contact with the noncustodial parent;
  • the degree to which the custodial parent’s and child’s life would be economically, emotionally and educationally benefitted by the move; and/or
  • how possible it is to preserve the relationship between the noncustodial parent and child through suitable visitation arrangements after the proposed move.1

For more information on modifying a custody order in general, please see the section entitled If a custody order is already in place, how can I get it changed?

1Tropea v. Tropea, 87 N.Y.2d 727 (Ct of App 1996)