How does this housing law protect victims?
This law protects victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking in two ways.
1. If you qualify to rent or lease a home, a landlord cannot do the following just because you are, were, or are in immediate danger of becoming a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking:
- refuse to rent to you;
- evict you; or
- say you violated your lease.1
But a landlord can do these things mentioned above if:
- you allowed the abuser into the home; or
- the landlord reasonably believes the abuser is a danger to other people in the home or on the property.1
2. You can break your lease early if you follow the steps laid out in How do I break my lease early?2
1 MO ST 441.920(2)
2 MO ST 441.920(3), (4)