Laws current as of January 1, 2024
What types of custody are there?
There are four main types of custody:
- Joint legal custody is when the parents share the decision-making rights, responsibilities, and authority relating to the health, education, and welfare of the child. The parents are supposed to consult with each other when exercising their decision-making rights, responsibilities, and authority.
- Sole legal custody is when one parent has the decision-making rights, responsibilities, and authority relating to the health, education, and welfare of the child.
- Joint physical custody is when each of the parents has significant, but not necessarily equal, periods of time with the child. Joint physical custody is supposed to be shared by the parents in a way that ensures the child has frequent, continuing, and meaningful contact with both parents.
- Sole physical custody is when the child primarily lives with one parent. The other parent may or may not have visitation with the child.1
1 MO ST § 452.375(1)-(3)