WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors.

Legal Information: Massachusetts

Workplace Protections

Laws current as of November 14, 2024

Does my employer have to pay me if I take leave under this law?

Your employer can decide whether the leave you use is paid or unpaid.1 Before requesting leave under this law, you must first use your annual, vacation, personal, or sick leave if you have any.2

1 M.G.L. 149 § 52E(b)
2 M.G.L. 149 § 52E(g)

I am afraid that my employer will tell other co-workers about my situation. Is this legal?

The law requires your employer to keep information about your leave and the related domestic abuse confidential.1 For example, your employer cannot tell your co-workers, your clients, or other employers that you took time off to deal with domestic violence.

Your employer can share information about your leave and the related domestic abuse if:

  • you ask your employer to do so in writing;
  • your employer asks you if it’s OK to do so and you give written consent to your employer to share that information;
  • a court orders your employer to release the information;
  • your employer must release the information because of federal or state law;
  • sharing information is required as part of an investigation approved by law enforcement; or
  • sharing the information is needed to protect your safety or your coworkers’ safety.1

1 M.G.L. 149 § 52E(f)