What is the legal definition of stalking in Illinois?
Stalking is a “course of conduct,” which is two or more acts, directed at a person, workplace, school, or place of worship, and the abuser knows, or should know, that these actions would cause a reasonable person to:
- fear for his/her safety;
- fear for the safety of another person;
- fear for the safety of a workplace, school, or place of worship; or
- suffer emotional distress.1
The “course of conduct” could include, but is not limited to, behavior where the abuser directly, indirectly, or through third parties, does any of the following:
- follows, monitors, observes, keeps watch over, or threatens you, a workplace, school, or place of worship;
- engages in other “contact” with you that is started or continued without your consent, or s/he ignores a request that you make for the contact to stop; or
- interferes with or damages your property or pet.1
Examples of “contact” include, but are not limited to: being in your physical presence; appearing within your sight; coming towards you or contacting you in a public place or on private property; appearing at your workplace or home; entering onto or remaining on property that you own or lease or are currently in; placing an object on or delivering an object to property owned, leased, or occupied by you; and appearing at the prohibited workplace, school, or place of worship.1
1 740 ILCS 21/10