3162. Uniform standards of practice; contents; adoption by judicial council
(a) Mediation of cases involving custody and visitation concerning children shall be governed by uniform standards of practice adopted by the Judicial Council.
(b) The standards of practice shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
(1) Provision for the best interest of the child and the safeguarding of the rights of the child to frequent and continuing contact with both parents, consistent with Sections 3011 and 3020.
(2) Facilitation of the transition of the family by detailing factors to be considered in decisions concerning the child’s future.
(3) The conducting of negotiations in such a way as to equalize power relationships between the parties.
(c) In adopting the standards of practice, the Judicial Council shall consider standards developed by recognized associations of mediators and attorneys and other relevant standards governing mediation of proceedings for the dissolution of marriage.
(d) The Judicial Council shall offer training with respect to the standards to mediators.