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Legal Information: Alabama

Alabama Restraining Orders

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Restraining Orders

Protection from Abuse Orders

Basic information

What is the legal definition of domestic abuse in Alabama?

You can file for an order if you are the victim of domestic abuse, as defined below, or if you have reasonable cause to believe that you are in immediate danger of becoming the victim of any act of abuse.1 Alabama law defines “domestic abuse” for the purpose of getting a protection from abuse order as the actual or attempted occurrence of one or more of the following acts between a current or former intimate partner/household member:

  • assault in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degrees;
  • arson;
  • rape/sodomy/sexual abuse - scroll to “Article 4. Sexual Offenses” to read all of the crimes included;
  • criminal coercion;
  • harassment;
  • reckless endangerment;
  • child abuse, torture or willful abuse of a child, aggravated child abuse, or chemical endangerment of a child;
  • kidnapping in the 1st and 2nd degrees;
  • menacing;
  • theft, which includes taking unauthorized control or getting control through deception over property owned fully or jointly by you;
  • stalking in the 1st, 2nd degrees;
  • aggravated stalking in the 1st and 2nd degrees;
  • unlawful imprisonment in the 1st and 2nd degrees;
  • criminal trespass in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degrees;2 or
  • any other crime against you.3

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-5(a)(1)
2 Ala. Code § 30-5-2(1)(a)-(i), (1)(k)-(o)
3 Ala. Code § 30-5-2(1)(j)

What types of protection from abuse (PFA) orders are there? How long do they last?

There are two types of orders:

You can get a temporary ex parte protection from abuse order, also called an emergency order, if the judge believes it is necessary to protect you or your children from abuse or from the immediate and present danger of abuse. You can get an emergency protection from abuse (PFA) order without prior notice to the abuser to protect you from the time you file for the final order until your full court hearing can take place, usually within 10 days. However, by law, the judge can take three business days to decide whether or not to grant you an ex parte temporary order.1

If the judge denies your request for an emergency PFA order, you may still ask the judge to consider your PFA petition at a hearing where the abuser is present. 

A final protection from abuse order can be issued at a hearing where the abuser is given prior notice of the hearing and has the right to be present.  At the hearing, both you and the abuser will present evidence and tell your sides of the story to a judge. Once the hearing date is set for the final PFA order, you must attend that hearing or else your temporary order may expire and you will have to start the process over.  If the abuser does not show up to that hearing, the judge may grant a final PFA order or s/he may set a new hearing date and extend the emergency PFA order so that it is effective until the new hearing date. Final PFA orders can be permanent without an expiration date unless the judge says otherwise, or unless the order is later changed (modified).2

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-6(a), (b)
2 Ala. Code § 30-5-7(d)(2)

What protections can I get in a protection from abuse order?

In an emergency (ex parte) protection from abuse order, a judge can:

  • order the abuser to:
    • stop committing or threatening to commit acts of abuse against you, your children, and anyone else included in the order;
    • stop harassing, annoying, and stalking you and your children;
    • stop calling or contacting you and your children directly or indirectly, such as through another person;
    • stop committing or threatening any conduct that puts you or your children in reasonable fear of physical injury;
    • not have physical or violent contact with you or your property;
    • stay at least 300 feet away from your home even if you share the home with the abuser, from your work, from your children’s school, and any other specific place that you go to often;
    • be removed (excluded) from your home, regardless of who owns the home;
    • not interfere with the custody of your children and not remove the children from the state; and
    • not destroy, sell, or conceal joint property;1
  • grant you:
    • temporary custody of the children;
    • possession of a car and other personal items, regardless of ownership; (Note: You can ask for a police escort to go with you to the home to remove your children or belongings from the home); and
    • any other relief that is necessary to provide for the safety and protection you, your children, and other family or household members.1

In a permanent protection from abuse order, a judge can:

  • grant all of the protections of the emergency (ex parte) order listed above; and 
  • make the following additional orders:
    • give you possession of the family home and have the abuser evicted from the home – or, if both parties consent, the abuser can provide “suitable alternate housing” if the abuser has a duty to support you or your children;
    • award you child support and spousal support;
    • make the abuser pay your attorney’s fees and court costs;
    • let the abuser have supervised or unsupervised visitation with the child, if appropriate, or deny visitation;
    • give you temporary possession of the car if:
      • you have no other transportation of your own; and
      • the abuser has more than one car or has alternate transportation.2

Note: Although the law doesn’t specifically allow the judge to include firearm prohibition in the terms of the order, Alabama state law does make firearm possession illegal for anyone who is subject to a valid protection order for domestic abuse, issued after notice and a hearing; so, not an ex parte temporary order.3

In addition, federal laws, which apply to all states and territories, restrict an abuser’s right to have a gun if you have a final restraining order against him/her that meets certain requirements. Go to Federal Gun Laws to get more information.

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-7(b)
2 Ala. Code § 30-5-7(c)
3 Ala. Code § 13A-11-72(a), (h)(8)

In which county can I file for a PFA order?

A petition for a protection from abuse order may be filed in any of the following counties:

  • where you live;
  • where the abuser lives;
  • where you are temporarily staying if you left your residence to get away from the abuser; or
  • where a civil court case is pending between you and the abuser.1

Note: If you have left the home and want to keep the address where you are staying confidential, filing in that county would likely not be a good idea since it would alert the abuser to the fact that you are living in that county.

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-3(c)

If the abuser lives in a different state, can I still get an order against him/her?

When you and the abuser live in different states, the judge may not have “personal jurisdiction” (power) over an out-of-state abuser. This means that the court may not be able to grant an order against him/her.

There are a few ways that a court can have personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state abuser:

  1. The abuser has a substantial connection to your state. Perhaps the abuser regularly travels to your state to visit you, for business, to see extended family, or the abuser lived in your state and recently fled.
  2. One of the acts of abuse “happened” in your state. Perhaps the abuser sends you threatening texts or harassing phone calls from another state but you read the messages or answer the calls while you are in your state. The judge could decide that the abuse “happened” to you while you were in your state. It may also be possible that the abuser was in your state when s/he abused you s/he but has since left the state.
  3. If you file your petition and the abuser gets served with the court petition while s/he is in your state, this is another way for the court to get jurisdiction.

However, even if none of the above apply to your situation, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t get an order. If you file, you may be granted an order on consent or the judge may find other circumstances that allow the order to be granted.

You can read more about personal jurisdiction in our Court System Basics - Personal Jurisdiction section.

Note: If the judge in your state refuses to issue an order, you can file for an order in the courthouse in the state where the abuser lives. However, remember that you will likely need to file the petition in person and attend various court dates, which could be difficult if the abuser’s state is far away.

Who can get a protection from abuse (PFA) order

Who is eligible for a protection from abuse (PFA) order?

You can be eligible to file for a PFA order if you have been the victim of “domestic abuse,” as defined by Alabama law1 and you have one of the following relationships to the abuser:

  • you are related by marriage to the defendant, including a common law marriage;
  • you had a former marriage or common law marriage with the defendant;
  • you have a child in common;
  • you are currently in a dating relationship with the abuser or your dating relationship ended within the last 12 months; 
  • you are a current or former household member of the abuser, which means you lived together while having a romantic or sexual relationship;
  • the abuser is a relative of your current or former household member as long as that person also lives/lived with you; 
  • you are the parent, step-parent, child, or step-child of the abuser and you live/lived together; or
  • you are the grandparent, step-grandparent, grandchild, or step-grandchild.2

Note: To file, you must be 18 or older or otherwise emancipated.  A parent, legal guardian, “next friend,” or the State Department of Human Resources may file on behalf of a minor or any person prevented by physical or mental incapacity from seeking a protection order.3 For more information on filing for a minor, please see Can a minor get a PFA order?

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-5(a)(1)
2 Ala. Code § 30-5-2(3), (7)
3 Ala. Code § 30-5-5(a)

Can a minor get a PFA order?

A parent, legal guardian, “next friend” or the State Department of Human Resources may file on behalf of a minor or any person prevented by physical or mental incapacity from seeking a protection order. To file a petition for a protection order on one’s own, the petitioner must be 18 or older or an emancipated minor.1

If you, the adult, are filing a petition on behalf of a minor child who is living at home and the petition is against the child’s parent, step-parent, or legal guardian, you must:

  • have been an eyewitness to the specific acts of abuse or circumstances alleged in the petition;
  • have affidavits from eyewitnesses of the specific acts of abuse or circumstances alleged in the petition; or 
  • have direct physical evidence of the specific acts of abuse or circumstances alleged in the petition.2

If you are filing on behalf of a minor child who is living at home and the petition is against someone other than a parent, step-parent, or legal guardian of a minor child, you must have reasonable cause to believe that the minor child is a victim of the acts of abuse or circumstances alleged in the petition.2

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-5(a)
2 Ala. Code § 30-5-5(c)

How much does it cost to get a PFA order?

There is no fee to file for, modify, withdraw, or serve a protection order. There can also be no fee charged to issue a subpoena for witness testimony. However, the judge has the right to order the abuser to pay costs and fees.1

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-5(g)

Do I need a lawyer to get a PFA order?

You can represent yourself (“pro se”) throughout the process of seeking a protection from abuse order.1  Although you do not need a lawyer to file for a PFA, it may be to your advantage to seek legal counsel especially if the abuser has a lawyer, when child custody issues are at stake, or during the court hearing for the final order.  If you cannot afford a lawyer but want one to help you with your case, you can find information on legal assistance on the AL Finding a Lawyer page.

In addition, the domestic violence organizations in your area may help you fill out the necessary forms. To find a local domestic violence organization, go to AL Local Programs.  

If you are going to be in court by yourself, go to our At the Hearing page for ways to prepare yourself for your court hearing.

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-5(e)

I am not eligible for a PFA order. What can I do?

If you are not eligible for a PFA order, there are still some things you can do to stay safe. A local domestic violence program in your area can help you develop a safety plan and connect you with other resources you may need. For safety planning information, go to our Safety Planning page. 

Even if you do not qualify for a PFA, the abuser may have committed a crime against you. For example, stalking, trespassing, harassment, and assault are against the law. You have the right to report the incidents to the police. You can read more about crimes in Alabama on our Crimes page.

Steps for getting a PFA order

Step 1: Go to court to get the petition.

Go to the courthouse where you live, where you are temporarily staying if you left your residence to get away from the abuser, where the abuser lives, or where a civil case is currently pending between you and the abuser to get your petition.1 To find the courthouse address that you need, go to our AL Courthouse Locations page. At the courthouse, tell the clerk of court that you want to file a petition for a protection from abuse order.  If you are in immediate danger, tell the clerk you also want an emergency (ex parte) order.  The clerk will give you the forms. You will also find links to forms online at our AL Download Court Forms page.

Note: Remember to bring photo ID so that you can show it to the clerk when you have to sign your petition in front of the notary. 

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-3(c)

Step 2: Fill out the necessary forms and file them with the clerk.

Read the protection from abuse petition carefully and ask the clerk questions if you don’t understand something.

On the petition, you will be the “plaintiff” and the abuser will be the “defendant.” Write about the most recent incidents of violence, using descriptive language, such as words like “slapping,” “hitting,” “grabbing,” “threatening,” “choking,” etc., that fits your situation.  Include details and dates, if possible. Be specific. You can also include some of the history of abuse and information on any previous, related court action you have taken against the abuser.

Remember to write your name and a safe mailing address and phone number. If you are staying at a shelter, give the post office box, not the street address. If the abuser does not know the locations of your residence and employment, be sure to tell the clerk you want your home, work, and other addresses to remain confidential.

If you need assistance filling out the form, you may be able to find help through one of the domestic violence organizations listed on our AL Local Programs page.

Note: Once you have completed your paperwork, return them to the clerk. Be sure to wait to sign the forms in front of the court clerk, where you will likely have to show photo ID to get the forms notarized.

Step 3: Go in front of the judge for the ex parte hearing.

The judge will read your petition and may ask you questions about why you need protection through a PFA order. Only you are present at this hearing, not the abuser.

If the judge grants you an ex parte PFA order, the court clerk should give you a copy of the order. Review the order before you leave the courthouse to make sure that the information is correct. If something is wrong or missing, ask the clerk to correct the order before you leave. Be sure to keep the order with you at all times. You may want to keep copies in your car, workplace, or daycare. The judge will also set a hearing date for your final PFA order hearing.

Step 4: Service of process

The abuser must be served with the papers that tell him/her about the hearing date, a copy of the petition that you filed, and your ex parte PFA if the judge gave you one. The clerk of court should tell you what to do to get the papers served on the abuser. There is no fee for service.1 Do not attempt to serve the papers on the abuser yourself.

You can find more information about service of process in our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section, in the question called What is service of process and how do I accomplish it?

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-5(e)


Step 5: The final PFA hearing

A judge will set a hearing date that is generally within 10 days of filing your petition.1 The abuser has the right to be present for this hearing. You must go to the hearing. If you do not go to the hearing, your ex parte PFA order will expire, and you will have to start the process over. 

If the abuser received notice of the hearing, but does not show up, the judge may issue a “default judgment” and grant you a PFA order or the judge may set a new hearing date and extend your ex parte PFA order until the date of your new hearing.2

At the hearing, you will testify in court and you can present other evidence or witnesses to prove the abuse you have experienced. The abuser will also be allowed to testify in the hearing. The judge will make a decision after hearing all of the testimony and considering all of the evidence.

It is recommended that you bring a lawyer to represent you at the hearing. For legal referrals, go to our Finding a Lawyer page. If you show up to court and you need more time to find a lawyer, or the abuser has a lawyer and you do not, you may ask the judge for a “continuance” to set a later court date so you can have time to find a lawyer for yourself. If you will be representing yourself, go to our Preparing for Court - By Yourself page for tips on how to represent yourself.

1 Ala. Code § 30-5-6(a)
2 Ala. Code § 30-5-6(c)

After the hearing

Can the abuser have a gun?

Once you get a protection from abuse order, there maybe laws that prohibit the respondent from having a gun in his/her possession. There are a few places where you can find this information: 

  • first, read the questions on this page to see if judges in Alabama have the power to remove guns as part of a temporary or final order; 
  • second, go to our State Gun Laws section to read about Alabama’s specific gun-related laws; and 
  • third, you can read our Federal Gun Laws section to understand the federal law that apply to all states.

You can read more about keeping an abuser from accessing guns on the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms’s website.

What should I do when I leave the courthouse?

Once you leave the courthouse, here is a list of things you might want to do:

  • Make several copies of the protection from abuse order as soon as possible.
  • Keep a copy of the order with you at all times.
  • Leave copies of the order at your work place, at your home, at the children’s school or daycare, in your car, with a sympathetic neighbor, and so on.
  • Give a copy to the security guard or person at the front desk where you live and/or work along with a photo of the abuser.
  • Give a copy of the order to anyone who is named in and protected by the order.
  • Take steps to make a safety plan, which could include changing your locks and your phone number.

Ongoing safety planning is important after receiving the order.  People can do a number of things to increase their safety during violent incidents, when preparing to leave an abusive relationship, and when they are at home, work, and school.  Many batterers obey protective orders, but some do not.  It is important to build on the things you have already been doing to keep yourself safe.  Go to our Safety Planning page for more information.  Advocates at local resource centers can assist you in designing a safety plan and can provide other forms of support.  You can find local domestic violence organizations on our AL State and Local Programs page.

What can I do if the abuser violates the order?

The PFA order can be violated if the abuser does not follow every provision in the order. If you believe the order has been violated, you can call the police immediately. Even if you think it is a minor violation, it could be a class A misdemeanor crime1 or civil contempt of court. If you call the police, it is a good idea to write down the name of the responding officer(s) and their badge number(s) in case you want to follow up on your case.

For more information about contempt, including the difference between criminal contempt and civil contempt, go to our Domestic Violence Restraining Orders page.

1 Ala. Code § 13A-6-142(a)


How do I change my PFA order?

If you want to change (modify) your protection from abuse order, you would fill out the same form as you did during your original application, entitled “Petition for Protection from Abuse.” There is a space on page two to check off that you are requesting a “change in a current protection order.”1 You cannot be charged a fee to file a modification petition.2 

1 See Petition for Protection from Abuse on the Alabama Courts website
2 Ala. Code § 30-5-5(g)(1)

What happens if I move?

Your Alabama PFA order is automatically good throughout Alabama and in all U.S. states and territories. The federal law provides what is called “full faith and credit,” which means that once you have a qualifying criminal or civil protection order, it follows you wherever you go, including U.S. Territories and tribal lands.  Different states have different rules for enforcing out-of-state protection orders - in some states, you need to register the order.  You can find out about your state’s policies by contacting a domestic violence program, the clerk of courts, or the prosecutor in your area.

You may also read more about the rules for your state on the Enforcing an Alabama Protection From Abuse Order in Another State page.

Note: PFAs may be enforceable on military bases, and military protective orders may be enforceable off base.  Please check with your local police department, court clerk, and/or domestic violence advocate for more details.  Please see our Military Protective Orders page for more information.


If I get a protection order, will it show up in an internet search?

According to federal law, which applies to all states, territories, and tribal lands, the courts are not supposed to make available publicly on the internet any information that would be likely to reveal your identity or location. This applies to all of these documents:

  • the petition you file;
  • the protection order, restraining order, or injunction that was issued by the court; or
  • the registration of an order in a different state.1

1 18 USC § 2265(d)(3)

I was not granted a PFA. What are my options?

If you are not granted a PFA order, there are still some things you can do to stay safe. It might be a good idea to contact one of the domestic violence resource centers in your area to get help, support, and advice on how to stay safe. They can help you develop a safety plan and help connect you with the resources you need. For safety planning help, ideas, and information, go to our Safety Planning page. You will find a list of resources on our AL Advocates and Shelters page.

You may also be able to reapply for PFA order if a new incident of domestic abuse occurs after you are denied the order.

If you believe the judge made an error of law, you can talk to someone at a domestic violence organization or a lawyer about the possibility of an appeal. Generally, appeals are complicated and you will most likely need the help of a lawyer.  You can find some basic information on appeals on our File an Appeal page.  You can find legal referrals, free and paid, on our AL Finding a Lawyer page.

Elder Abuse Protection Orders

Basic info and definitions

What is the legal definition of an elderly person?

For the purposes of getting an elder abuse protection order, an “elderly person” is defined as a person who is 60 or older.1

1 Ala. Code § 38-9F-3(4)

What is the legal definition of elder abuse?

For the purposes of getting an elder abuse protection order, “elder abuse” includes the following acts or intent to do the following acts:

1 Ala. Code § 38-9F-3(2)

What types of elder abuse protection orders are there? How long do they last?

There are two types of elder abuse protection orders: ex parte orders and final orders.

Ex parte orders are temporary orders that do not require the abuser to be notified beforehand. They last for approximately 10 days, until the court hearing on a final order.1 To get a temporary ex parte order, you must show that you are in danger of likely, future harm.2

A judge issues a final order after notice to the abuser and a court hearing. A final order is permanent unless the judge directs otherwise.3

1 Ala. Code § 38-9F-7(b)
2 Ala. Code § 38-9F-8(b)
3 Ala. Code § 38-9F-8(e)

What protections can I get in an elder abuse protection order?

Through an ex parte elder abuse protection order, a judge can order that the abuser:

  • stop committing elder abuse or threatening to commit elder abuse;
  • not contact you in any way that puts you in reasonable fear of injury;
  • stay away from your home, place of work, or any other place;
  • not live with you, no matter who owns the home;
  • allow you to use a car or any other items, no matter who owns them;
  • not use or transfer any of your property or money;
  • give you a report on your income, debts, expenses, and other financial matters;
  • not act as your guardian, conservator, or power of attorney;
  • follow the instructions of your guardian, conservator, or power of attorney; and
  • do anything else that the judge thinks is necessary for your safety or welfare.1

In a final order, a judge can:

  • grant all of the protections listed above; and
  • order the abuser to:
    • return to you any money or property that the abuser has previously controlled;
    • pay money (damages) for any physical or financial injuries caused or pay for your attorney’s fees; and
    • not have any guns.2

1 Ala. Code § 38-9F-8(b)
2 Ala. Code § 38-9F-8(c)

Getting the order

Who can file for an elder abuse protection order?

You can file for yourself if you are an elderly person who has been the victim of elder abuse as defined by law. If you are unable to file for yourself, the following people may do it:

  • a court-appointed guardian or temporary guardian;
  • a court-appointed conservator, which is someone who is legally responsible for someone else’s financial or medical decisions;
  • someone acting under power of attorney;
  • a health care proxy; or
  • an “interested person,” which is defined as someone who asks the court to:
  • safeguard your money and property (estate);
  • use your estate to take care of your needs; or
  • do something else for your benefit.1

1 Ala. Code §§ 38-9F-6(a); 38-9-6(h)

What are the steps to getting an elder abuse protection order?

The steps to getting an elder abuse protection order are similar to the steps for getting a protection from abuse order.

If someone is filing on your behalf, s/he must submit a sworn petition that gives facts about the abuse.1 After that, you will be notified that the petition has been filed.2

1 Ala. Code § 38-9F-6(b)
2 Ala. Code § 38-9F-6(d)

In which county do I file the petition?

You may file a petition for an elder abuse protection order in the circuit court in any of the following places:

  • where you live or have temporarily relocated to;
  • where the abuser lives; or
  • where the abuse happened.1

The court clerk should be able to provide the necessary forms to file the petition, for which there are no fees.2

1 Ala. Code § 38-9F-4(c)
2 Ala. Code § 38-9F-6(c), (f)

Enforcing an Alabama Protection from Abuse Order in Another State

Overview of out-of-state enforcement

Are protection orders valid in other states?

If you have a valid protection order that meets federal standards, it can be enforced in another state. The Violence Against Women Act, which is a federal law, states that all valid protection orders granted in the United States receive “full faith and credit” in all state and tribal courts within the US, including US territories.  See How do I know if my protection order is good under federal law? to find out if your protection order qualifies.

Each state must enforce out-of-state protection orders in the same way it enforces its own orders. Meaning, if your abuser violates your out-of-state protection order, s/he will be punished according to the laws of whatever state you are in when the order is violated. This is what is meant by “full faith and credit.”

How do I know if my protection order is good under federal law?

A protection order is good anywhere in the United States as long as it meets all of the following:

  • It was issued to prevent violent or threatening acts, harassing behavior, sexual violence, or it was issued to prevent another person from coming near you or contacting you.1
  • The court that issued the order had jurisdiction over the people and case. In other words, the court had the authority to hear the case.
  • The abuser received notice of the order and had an opportunity to go to court to tell his/her side of the story.
    • In the case of ex parte temporary and emergency orders, the abuser must receive notice and have an opportunity to go to court to tell his/her side of the story at a hearing that is scheduled before the temporary order expires.2

Note: For information on enforcing a military protective order (MPO) off the military installation, or enforcing a civil protection order (CPO) on a military installation, please see our Military Protective Orders page.

1 18 USC § 2266(5)(A)
2 18 USC § 2265(a) & (b)

Getting your Alabama protection from abuse (PFA) order enforced in another state

How do I get my protection order enforced in another state? 

Federal law does not require you to take any special steps to get your protection order enforced in another state.

Many states do have laws or rules about registering or filing of out-of-state orders, which can make enforcement easier, but a valid protection order is enforceable regardless of whether it has been registered or filed in the new state.1 Rules differ from state to state, so it may be helpful to find out what the rules are in your new state. You can contact a local domestic violence organization for more information by visiting our Advocates and Shelters page and entering your new state in the drop-down menu.

Note: It is often a good idea to keep a copy of your protection order with you at all times.

1 18 USC 2265(d)(2)

Do I need a special copy of my protection order to have it enforced?

In some states, you will need a certified copy of your protection order. A certified copy says that it is a “true and correct” copy; it is signed and initialed by the clerk of court that gave you the order, and usually has some kind of court stamp on it.

If you don’t have a certified copy, go to the court that gave you the order and ask the clerk’s office for a certified copy. 

I have an ex parte temporary order.  Can it be enforced in another state?

An ex parte temporary order can be enforced in other states as long as it meets the requirements listed in How do I know if my protection order is good under federal law?1

Note: The state where you are going generally cannot extend your ex parte temporary order or issue you a permanent order when the temporary one expires. If you need to extend your temporary order, you will have to contact the court in Alabama that issued the order and arrange to be at the hearing in person or by electronic means if that is an option offered by the court. However, you may be able to reapply for one in the new state that you are moving to if you meet the requirements for getting a protective order in that state – but, if you apply for one in a new state, the abuser would know what state you are living in, which may put you in danger.

1 18 U.S.C. § 2265(b)(2)

Can I get someone to help me?  Do I need a lawyer?

You do not need a lawyer to get your protection order enforced in another state.

However, you may want to get help from a local domestic violence advocate or attorney in the state that you move to.  A domestic violence advocate can let you know what the advantages and disadvantages are for registering your protection order, and help you through the process if you decide to do so.

To find a domestic violence advocate or an attorney in the state you are moving to, select your state from the Places that Help page and choose Advocates and Shelters or Finding a Lawyer under that state.

Enforcing custody provisions in another state

I was granted temporary custody with my protection order. Can I take my kids out of the state?

Whether or not you can take your children out of state may depend on the exact wording of the custody provision in your protection order. You may have to first get permission from the court before leaving. If the abuser was granted visitation rights with your children, then you may have to have the order changed, and show the court that there is a fair and realistic alternative to the current visitation schedule. To read more about custody laws in Alabama, go to our Custody page.

If you are unsure about whether or not you can take your kids out of the state, it is important to talk to a lawyer who understands custody and parental kidnapping laws, and can help you make the safest decision for you and your children. You can find contact information for legal assistance organizations on our AL Finding a Lawyer page. 

I was granted temporary custody with my protection order.  Will another state enforce this custody order?

Custody, visitation, and child support provisions that are included in a protection order can be enforced across state lines. Law enforcement and courts in another state are required by federal law to enforce these provisions.1

118 USC § 2265(a); 18 USC § 2266(5)

Enforcing an Order from Another State in Alabama

Getting your out-of-state protective order enforced in Alabama

Can I get my protection order enforced in Alabama? What are the requirements?

Your out-of-state protection order can be enforced in Alabama as long as:

  • It was issued to prevent violent or threatening acts, harassing behavior, sexual violence, or it was issued to prevent another person from coming near you or contacting you.1
  • The court that issued the order had jurisdiction over the people and case. In other words, the court had the authority to hear the case.
  • The abuser received notice of the order and had an opportunity to go to court to tell his/her side of the story. 
    • In the case of ex parte temporary and emergency orders, the abuser must receive notice and have an opportunity to go to court to tell his/her side of the story at a hearing that is scheduled before the temporary order expires.2

Note: For information on enforcing a military protective order (MPO) off the military installation, or enforcing a civil protection order (CPO) on a military installation, please see our Military Protective Orders page.

1 18 U.S.C. § 2266(5)
2 18 U.S.C. § 2265(a) & (b)

Can I have my out-of-state protection order changed, extended, or canceled in Alabama?

Generally, only the state that issued your protection order can change, extend, or cancel the order. You would likely have to file a motion or petition in the court where the order was issued. You may be able to request that you attend the court hearing by electronic means rather than in person, so that you do not need to return to the state where the abuser is living. Find out if this is possible in your state by calling the clerk of the court that issued your order. To find out more information about how to modify a restraining order, see the Restraining Orders page for the state where your order was issued.

If your order does expire while you are living in Alabama, you may be able to get a new one issued in Alabama but this may be difficult to do if no new incidents of abuse have occurred in Alabama. To find out more information on how to get a protective order in Alabama, visit our AL Protection from Abuse Orders page.

Enforcing custody provisions in Alabama

I was granted temporary custody with my protection order.  Will I still have temporary custody of my children in Alabama?

As long as the child custody provision meets the standards of federal laws,1 Alabama can enforce a temporary custody order that is a part of a protection order. To have someone read over your order and tell you if it meets this legal standard, contact a lawyer in your area. To find a lawyer in your area, visit our AL Finding a Lawyer page.

1 The federal laws are the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA) or the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1980.

Registering your out-of-state order in Alabama

What is the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Registry? Who has access to it?

The National Crime Information Center Registry (NCIC) is a nationwide, electronic database used by law enforcement agencies in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. It is managed by the FBI and state law enforcement officials.

Before moving to Alabama, the state that issued your protection order may already have entered your order into the NCIC. If not, your order may be entered into the NCIC once your order is registered in Alabama.

All law enforcement officials have access to it, but the information is encrypted and secure so outsiders cannot access it.

How do I register my protection order in Alabama?

To register your protection order in Alabama, you must present a certified copy of your order to the clerk of the circuit or district court.1 You will likely be asked to sign an affidavit saying that, to the best of your knowledge, your order is still in effect.2 The clerk will file your order and will give you a stamped copy of the registered order.3 You can find contact information for courthouses in Alabama on our AL Courthouse Locations page.

If you need help registering your protection order, you can contact a local domestic violence organization in Alabama for assistance. You can find contact information for organizations in your area here on our AL Advocates and Shelters page.

1 Alabama Code § 30-5B-5(a)
2 Alabama Code § 30-5B-5(d)
3 Alabama Code § 30-5B-5(b)

Do I have to register my protection order in Alabama in order to get it enforced?

Alabama state law gives full protection to an out-of-state protection order even if it is not registered. The order does not have to be entered into the state or federal registry in order to be enforced by an Alabama police officer. However, the order must have the names of the people protected by the order, the name of the abuser, and you must be able to show the officer a valid copy of your order or the officer must otherwise believe that a valid order exists.1 It is helpful if the order clearly says the expiration date of the order.

1 Alabama Code § 30-5B-4(a), (d)

Will the abuser be notified if I register my protection order?

Under the federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which applies to all U.S. states and territories, the court is not permitted to notify the abuser when a protective order has been registered or filed in a new state unless you specifically request that the abuser be notified.1  However, you may wish to confirm that the clerk is aware of this law before registering the order if your address is confidential.

However, remember that there may be a possibility that the abuser could somehow find out what state you have moved to.  It is important to continue to safety plan, even if you are no longer in the state where the abuser is living.  We have some safety planning tips to get you started on our Safety Planning page.  You can also contact a local domestic violence organization to get help in developing a personalized safety plan. You will find contact information for organizations in your area on our AL Advocates and Shelters page.

1 18 USC § 2265(d)

What if I don't register my protection order?  Will it be more difficult to have it enforced?

While neither federal law nor state law requires that you register your protection order in order to get it enforced, if your order is not entered into the state registry, it may be more difficult for an Alabama law enforcement official to determine whether your order is real.  In other words, it could take longer to get your order enforced.

If you are unsure about whether registering your order is the right decision for you, you may want to contact a local domestic violence organization in your area. An advocate there can help you decide what the safest plan of action is for you in Alabama. To see a list of local domestic violence organizations in Alabama, go to our AL Advocates and Shelters page.

Does it cost anything to register my protection order?

There is no fee for registering your protection order in Alabama.1

1 Alabama Code § 30-5B-5(f)