Can my child support order be changed?
Either parent can ask the court to change (modify) payments for child support or medical support of a child, as long as one of the following is true:
- there has been a substantial change in circumstances since your order was entered; or
- it has been at least three years since your order was entered, and the amount currently being paid is at least 20 percent or $100 different than the amount that the current guidelines would order.1
If the other parent is asking to change the child support order because s/he lost a job or has only found part-time employment, the judge can order the unemployed or underemployed parent to:
- enroll and participate fully in a program that provides employment assistance, skills training, or job placement services; or
- work, have a plan to pay child support, or participate in work activities appropriate to pay the support obligation.2
Only the court can modify the order; it cannot be changed by agreement of the parties. For more information, visit
1 Tex. Fam. Code § 156.401(a)
2 Tex. Fam. Code § 154.017(a)