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Legal Information: Nevada

Child Support

Laws current as of December 5, 2024

When can a child support order be modified?

Upon the request of a parent, a child support order will normally be reviewed by the court once every three years to see if it should be modified (changed). However, it can be reviewed at any time if either parent makes the request on the basis of “changed circumstances.” One example of changed circumstances would be if the income of the parent who is paying the child support increased or decreased by 20 percent or more.1 An order can also be adjusted based on the following factors:

  • any special educational needs of the child;
  • the legal responsibility of the parties for the support of others;
  • the value of “services” contributed by either party;
  • any public assistance paid to support the child;
  • the cost of transportation of the child to and from visitation;
  • the income of both households;
  • any other necessary expenses for the benefit of the child; and
  • the paying parent’s ability to pay.2

To request an adjustment to the child support order, you can file a motion to modify child support at the courthouse. Please visit our NV Courthouse Locations page for the courthouse nearest you.

1 N.R.S. § 125B.145(1), (4)
2 Nev. Admin. Code § 425.150