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Legal Information: New Mexico

State Gun Laws

Laws current as of July 31, 2024

I have a protection order against the abuser. Can s/he keep a gun or buy a new gun?

Under New Mexico law, it is illegal for a person who is subject to a final domestic violence protection order to have a gun.1 Additionally, a judge can order the abuser to turn over his/her guns to law enforcement or to someone with a federal firearms license as part of a final order of protection if s/he believes that the abuser is a “credible threat” to the safety of the protected person.2

Federal law also prohibits the respondent in a qualifying protection order from having a gun. See our Federal Gun Laws page to get more information.

1 N.M. Stat. § 30-7-16(A)(2)
2 N.M. Stat. § 40-13-5(A)(2)