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Legal Information: Nebraska

Nebraska Crimes

Laws current as of
July 30, 2024


Even if you do not qualify for a protection order, the abuser may have committed a crime. If you call the police, they may arrest him/her for a crime and you may get a restraining order through the criminal court. Remember that even if you do have a protection order, you can still report him/her to the police if you believe s/he committed a crime against you.

In our Abuse Using Technology section, you can learn the types of behaviors that are considered a misuse of technology. Some of these behaviors might be recognized as a crime depending on the specific laws of your state.

What are some crimes that the abuser may have committed in Nebraska?
If I am the victim of a crime, where can I get additional help in Nebraska?

What are some crimes that the abuser may have committed in Nebraska?

Here is a list of some possible crimes in Nebraska that the abuser may have committed. You can click on the links to read the legal definition of each crime on our Selected Nebraska Statutes page:

Statute Crime (click here to sort the list alphabetically by crime names)
28-308 Assault in the first degree
28-309 Assault in the second degree
28-310 Assault in the third degree
28-310.01 Assault by strangulation or suffocation
28-311.03 Stalking
28-311.08 Unlawful intrusion; photograph, film, or record image or video of intimate area; distribute or make public
28-316 Violation of custody
28-316.01 Sexual abuse by a school employee
28-319 Sexual assault in the first degree
28-319.01 Sexual assault of a child in the first degree
28-320 Sexual assault in the second or third degree
28-320.01 Sexual assault of a child in the second or third degree
28-323 Domestic assault
28-386 Knowing and intentional abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult or senior adult
28-638 Criminal impersonation
28-639 Identity theft
28-705 Abandonment of spouse, child, or dependent stepchild
28-831 Human trafficking; labor trafficking or sex trafficking; labor trafficking of a minor or sex trafficking of a minor
28-1206 Possession of a deadly weapon by a prohibited person

If I am the victim of a crime, where can I get additional help in Nebraska?

For information on victims’ compensation in Nebraska, visit the Crime Victim Services / Reparations website. You can find the claim form application on their website.

The Nebraska Crime Commission has a booklet called a Victim’s Guide to the Nebraska Criminal Justice System. It provides information on the criminal justice system, an explanation of crime victims’ rights, a glossary of terms, contact info for compensation and other forms of assistance. 

Victims may also want to read about the Nebraska Coalition for Victims of Crime (NCVC), which is a non-profit organization established to address the growing concern for victims of crime. Their website lists a crime victim’s bill of rights and they have a list of victim witness programs in Nebraska. They can be reached at (800) 944-6282.

If you are a victim of domestic violence and have been charged with a crime, you can go to our Abuse Victims Charged with Crimes page.

Other organizations for victims of crime are listed on our National Organizations - Crime Victims page.