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Legal Information: Maine

Statutes: Maine

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October 4, 2024

§ 905-A. Misuse of identification

1. A person is guilty of misuse of identification if, in order to obtain confidential information, property or services, the person intentionally or knowingly:

A. Presents or uses a credit or debit card that is stolen, forged, canceled or obtained as a result of fraud or deception;

B. Presents or uses an account, credit or billing number that that person is not authorized to use or that was obtained as a result of fraud or deception; or

C. Presents or uses a form of legal identification that that person is not authorized to use.

2. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the person believed in good faith that the person was authorized to present or use the card, number or legal identification.

3. Proof of actual or constructive notice of cancellation gives rise to a permissible inference under the Maine Rules of Evidence, Rule 303 that the person who presented the canceled credit or debit card knew it had been canceled.

4. As used in this section, “legal identification” includes a social security card, social security number, birth certificate, driver’s license, government-issued identification card, oral statement of full name and date of birth or any other means of identifying a person that is generally accepted as accurate and reliable.

5. Misuse of identification is a Class D crime.