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Legal Information: Iowa


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Laws current as of August 5, 2024

What are the steps to file for custody?

Before filing in court for custody, you may want to consider drawing up an out-of-court agreement with the other parent. Usually, parents will have to be flexible when it comes to custody and visitation for the benefit of the child. Often, parents who fight for sole custody will litigate in court for months or even years and end up with some sort of joint custody agreement after settlement or trial.

However, sometimes fighting for sole custody is necessary because you can’t agree with the other parent, the other parent is not allowing contact, or you fear for your child’s well-being. Especially with domestic violence, many abusers will try to keep power and control over the victim-survivor through the child, so joint custody isn’t recommended due to the power difference in the relationship.

If you decide to file in court for custody, the process usually looks similar to this:

1. File for custody.

You may file in the family court or a court of a different name that hears custody cases. Generally, you will file in the county where the child lives and, depending on the circumstances, you may be able to request an emergency or temporary order as part of your petition. The exact petition you file may depend on whether you are married or not:

  • If you are a married parent, you would generally include the custody petition within the divorce process.
  • If you are an unmarried parent, you would generally file using the Petition for Custody (Parents Not Married) forms. However, if paternity hasn’t been established, which means that the father hasn’t been legally recognized, then this process will likely have to happen first or as part of the custody process.

You can find links to the divorce and custody petition forms on our IA Download Court Forms page.

2. Prepare for the custody process

The court custody process is usually very long and can be emotionally and financially draining. If you are representing yourself in court, you can learn about the court process and how to present evidence in our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section. If you are able to hire an attorney, you can use this list of questions as your guide when deciding who to hire.

During the court process, you will try to prove why you should have your child’s custody. When preparing for court, you can gather evidence that helps make your case as to why you should have custody of the child. This process should be directed by the factors the law says a judge should consider when deciding custody. You can see How will a judge make a decision about custody? for more information. It’s important to consider that the judge will be focused on what is in the best interest of your child and many states consider that this is to have a relationship with both parents.

Iowa law requires parents with children to attend a “Children in the Middle” parenting class before the judge can issue a final custody and visitation order or divorce decree. See What is a “Children in the Middle” class? for more information.  

3. Prepare for trial

There will be one or more hearings, including a trial, if the parties cannot reach an agreement by themselves or as part of a mediation process. During trial, you or your attorney will be able to present evidence and cross-examine the other party to help the judge make a decision.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you can plan for your safety while in court and you should ask the judge to include some protections in the custody order. For example, you can ask for some of the following terms:

  • communications between the parents can only be in writing;
  • all communications can only be related to the child; and
  • a neutral third party should be present at the exchange of the child or should be the one to drop off and pick up the child.

You should also try to be as specific as possible in terms of the decision-making powers of each parent, who has the child on holidays, birthdays, etc., and the time and place for pick-ups and drop-offs of the child to avoid future conflicts.

4. Options if you lose the custody case

There could be a couple of options that are filed immediately after the judge makes the custody order:

  • motion for reconsideration asks the judge to decide differently based on the law or new evidence.
  • An appeal moves the case to a higher court and asks that court to review the lower court’s decision due to the judge’s error.

A petition to change (modify) the order is an option that would not be filed right away. You could ask for a modification if, later on, a substantial change of circumstances happens. A few examples could be if the other parent gets sent to jail, gets charged with child abuse or neglect, or moves to another state. If you are already divorced, a petition for a change in custody can be filed in the county where the divorce was issued.

To find out more about how the process works in your area, please contact a lawyer. Please visit our IA Finding a Lawyer page to find legal help in your area.​ You can also watch our Custody, Visitation, and Child Support videos where we explain the process. The videos include information about the different types of custody and visitation and related legal concepts that a judge will consider, child support, and moving out of state with your child.

How will the judge make a decision about custody?

If you and the other parent have not reached an agreement on all issues related to custody, then it will be up to the judge to decide. When deciding custody, the judge will look at what is in the best interest of the child and will consider all of the following factors:

  • if each parent would be a suitable caretaker (custodian) for the child;
  • if the child’s psychological and emotional needs and development will suffer due to a lack of active contact with and attention from both parents;
  • if the parents can communicate with each other about the child’s needs;
  • if both parents have actively cared for the child before and after the parents separated;
  • if each parent can support the other parent’s relationship with the child;
  • if the custody arrangement is what the child wants, or if the child is strongly opposed to it; Note: The judge is supposed to consider how old and mature the child is when looking at this factor;
  • if the parents want or do not want joint custody;
  • how far apart the parents live from each other;
  • if either parent allowed a registered sex offender to care for the child or have unsupervised access to the child;
  • if giving the abuser joint custody or visitation without supervision or restrictions would be a risk to the safety of the child, other children, or you; and
  • if there is a history of domestic abuse as defined by the law; Note: When the judge is deciding if there is a history of domestic abuse, the judge will look at whether or not:
    • anyone filed for an order of protection;
    • there is or was an order of protection against the abuser;
    • the abuser violated an order of protection;
    • the police responded to domestic abuse;
    • the abuser was arrested for domestic abuse; or
    • the abuser was convicted of domestic abuse assault.1

Also, if one parent stopped the child from having as much ongoing contact as possible with the other parent, without a very good reason (“just cause”), this is a “significant factor” the judge would look at when deciding custody. However, a history of domestic abuse counts as just cause.2

Note: If you left the home because the other parent committed domestic abuse, threatened you, or you feared s/he would harm you, the judge is not supposed to hold this against you.3 

1 Iowa Code § 598.41(3)
2 Iowa Code § 598.41(1)(c)
3 Iowa Code § 598.41(1)(d)

Will a judge always give joint custody?

The judge will often favor giving parents joint legal custody. Under Iowa law, as long as it’s reasonable and in the child’s best interest, the judge must give a custody and visitation order that:

  • gives your child as much ongoing physical and emotional contact with both parents as possible; and
  • will encourage the parents to share the rights and responsibilities of raising the child.1

The only exception to joint custody is if having this kind of contact with the other parent is likely to cause direct physical harm or significant emotional harm to the child, other children, or you.1

If the judge does not give joint legal custody, the judge must specifically explain why it is unreasonable and not in the best interest of the child so much so that it justifies ending (severing) the legal custodial relationship between the child and parent.2

If the judge gives joint legal custody, the judge can also give joint physical care if either parent asks for it. If the judge does not grant this, the judge must specifically explain why joint physical care. is unreasonable and not in the best interest of the child. Before deciding, the judge can require the parents to submit proposed parenting plans.3 See What is a parenting plan? for more information.

1 Iowa Code § 598.41(1)(a)
2 Iowa Code § 598.41(2)(b)
3 Iowa Code § 598.41(5)(a), (5)(b)

In which state do I file for custody?

You can usually only file for custody in Iowa if Iowa is your child’s “home state.” However, there are exceptions to the home state rule.

Iowa usually qualifies as your child’s “home state” if:

  • your child lives in Iowa and has lived in Iowa for the last six months in a row;
  • your child is no longer in Iowa, but Iowa is the last state where your child lived for at least six months in a row, and one of the child’s parents still lives in Iowa; or
  • your child is less than six months old but has lived in Iowa from birth.1

Leaving Iowa for a short period of time, such as going on vacation, usually does not change the child’s home state.2

1 Iowa Code §§ 598.201(1)(a); 598B.102(7)
2 Iowa Code § 598B.102(7)

Are there exceptions to the home state rule?

There are exceptions to the “home state rule.” For example, it may be possible to file for custody in Iowa even if it is not the child’s home state because:

  1. the child is present in Iowa and either:
    • the child has been abandoned; or
    • it is necessary in an emergency situation to protect the child because the child, a sibling, or parent of the child, is subjected to or threatened with mistreatment or abuse;1 or
  2. the judge determines that:
    • the child and his/her parent have “significant connections” in the state; and
    • there is substantial evidence in the state related to the child’s care, protection, training, and personal relationship.2

This can be very complicated and there are additional exceptions that could apply. Please talk to a lawyer in Iowa and in the state where your child was previously living to figure out where to file. To find a lawyer or legal aid program in your area, please visit the IA Finding a Lawyer page or you can reach out to the Legal Resource Center for Violence Against Women for information if you are a victim of abuse.

1 Iowa Code § 598B.204(1)
2 Iowa Code § 598B.201(1)(b)

Do I need a lawyer?

You have a right to file for custody or to access the court in any way without a lawyer. However, child custody cases are often very complicated. It may be difficult for you to file a proper petition and go through court hearings without the help of a lawyer. Also, if the other parent has a lawyer, this may make it more difficult for you.

To find a lawyer or legal aid program in your area, please visit the IA Finding a Lawyer page. If you are a victim of domestic violence, having a lawyer who is knowledgeable about domestic violence and custody matters is very important. For a list of questions to ask before you hire a lawyer, you can read How do I pick the right attorney? What questions do I ask? in our Choosing and Working with a Lawyer section.

If you are going to be in court without a lawyer, our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section may help you.

Can I get the abuser to pay for my attorney’s fees?

If you win your custody or visitation case, the judge can order the abuser to pay your attorney’s fees. The judge can also order the abuser to pay your attorney’s fees if you win a case to change (modify) a paternity, custody, or visitation order.1

1 Iowa Code § 600B.26

Who are some of the other professionals who may be involved in my case?

In a custody and visitation case or a divorce case involving children, the judge may appoint one or more of the following professionals:

  • guardian ad litem;
  • attorney for the child;
  • child custody investigator; and
  • child and family reporter.1

A guardian ad litem is a lawyer assigned to represent the best interest of your child.2 His/her job is to convince the judge to do what s/he thinks is in the child’s best interest. 

An attorney for the child is a lawyer assigned to represent your child.3 His/her job is to convince the judge to do what his/her client, the child, wants. 

A guardian ad litem and an attorney for the child participate similarly in the court case. Both generally interview the child and the child’s parents or guardian. They may have regular contact with your child while the case is going on. They may also interview your child’s teachers, doctors, or other service providers and review and copy relevant records. They come to the court dates and may file papers, present evidence, question witnesses, and so on.4

A child custody investigator or child and family reporter is a professional assigned by the judge to get information about both parents’ home conditions, parenting abilities, and other things related to the child and what’s in the child’s best interest. The investigator or reporter writes a report and submits it to the court. The parents and their lawyers can also read the report. Usually, this report becomes part of the court record in the case.5

If the judge assigns any of these professionals to be part of your case, one or both of the parents may have to pay for it. However, if a parent is indigent, meaning if his/her income is below a certain amount, the county may pay.6

1 Iowa Code §§ 600B.40(4); 598.12; 598.12A; 598.12B
2 Iowa Code § 598.12
3 Iowa Code § 598.12A
4 Iowa Code §§ 598.12; 598.12A
5 Iowa Code § 598.12B
6 Iowa Code §§ 598.12; 598.12A; 598.12B

I filed for custody and visitation, but I changed my mind. How do I dismiss this case?

If you no longer want to continue with your custody and visitation case, you can file a motion asking the judge to dismiss it. However, if the other parent has already come to court or filed legal papers in the case, both you and the other parent must sign the motion for dismissal.1

1 Iowa Code § 598.3

Can I get temporary custody as part of a domestic violence protective order?

You can get a temporary custody and visitation order in a temporary or final protective order based on domestic abuse. The judge must consider your and your child’s safety when making a temporary custody and visitation order. If the judge believes you or your child will be at risk if the abuser gets unsupervised or unrestricted visitation, the judge must give supervised visitation, restrict visitation, or deny visitation entirely. The judge will also decide whether any existing custody or visitation orders need to be changed (modified).1 

1 Iowa Code §§ 236.4(2)-(4); 236.5(1)(b)(5)

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