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Legal Information: Hawaii

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of November 15, 2024

Who can file for a gun violence protective order?

The following people can file a petition if they believe there is a “significant danger” that the respondent will harm him/herself or others by owning, buying, or receiving a firearm or ammunition or by having a firearm or ammunition in his/her custody or control:

  • the respondent’s “family or household member,” which includes:
    • a current or former spouse;
    • a current or former reciprocal beneficiary, which is someone with whom the respondent has a significant personal, emotional, and economic relationships but is prohibited from legally marrying;2
    • a parent;
    • a child;
    • a relative by blood or adoption;
    • a current or former dating partner;
    • the other parent of his/her child; or
    • someone s/he lives or lived with, including as an adult roommate or romantic partner;
  • a law enforcement officer;
  • a licensed doctor, advanced practice registered nurse, psychologist, or psychiatrist who has examined the respondent;
  • an educator who works at a school or other learning institution to which the respondent has a connection; or
  • the respondent’s co-worker.1

1 HI ST § 134-61; 572C-4