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Legal Information: Guam

State Gun Laws

Laws current as of October 30, 2024

I have a restraining order against the abuser. Can s/he keep a gun or buy a new gun?

It depends.  Your restraining order may specifically state that the abuser cannot have a gun or buy a new gun.  In Guam, when a person is arrested for family violence, a judge can include in the restraining order that the abuser is prohibited from buying or having a gun or other weapon.1  In Guam, violation of a restraining order is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or prison up to one year or both. If there is bodily injury that happened during the violation, the respondent can be imprisoned for at least 48 hours. The respondent can be imprisoned for up to 30 days if there is bodily injury more than once within a year.2

Federal laws, which apply to all states and territories, also restrict a person’s right to have a gun if s/he has a restraining order against him/her.  Go to Federal Gun Laws to get more information.

To talk to someone at your local domestic violence program about your options, see GU Advocates and Shelters to find a program in your area.

1 9 GCA § 30.21(a)(5)
2 9 GCA § 30.40(a)(4) & (b)