WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information: Utah

Housing Laws

Laws current as of June 11, 2024

Can I still end my lease early due to domestic violence if my rent is late or there is damage to my home?

The law says that to end your lease early, you must be following all terms of your lease, including all of the rental obligations listed in section 57-22-5 on our Selected Utah Statutes page.1  However, there is an exception. You can still end your lease if any of the following specific lease violations are due to domestic violence:

  • there is damage to your home;
  • your rent is overdue;
  • you have kept your landlord out of your home when s/he wanted to make repairs; or
  • you have disturbed your neighbor’s peace.2

In this case, you must give your landlord all of the following documents:

  1. a final court order protecting you from the abuser or a police report saying that you’re the victim of domestic violence;
  2. a written “notice of termination” that includes the date you intend to move out;
  3. evidence that the lease violation(s) listed above happened less than 30 days before the date you gave the written notice of termination; and
  4. evidence that domestic violence caused the lease violation.3

Note: You cannot use this process for early lease termination if your landlord has already served you with a notice of eviction.4

1 UT ST § 57-22-5.1(4)(a); see also § 57-22-5
2 UT ST § 57-22-5.1(5); see also § 57-22-5(1)(g), (2)
3 UT ST § 57-22-5.1(5)(a), (5)(b), (5)(c)
4 UT ST § 57-22-5.1(7)