WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors.

Legal Information: Tennessee

Tennessee Crimes

Laws current as of
October 16, 2024


Even if you do not qualify for a protection order, the abuser may have committed a crime. If you call the police, they may arrest him/her for a crime and you may get a restraining order through the criminal court. Remember that even if you do have a protection order, you can still report him/her to the police if you believe s/he committed a crime against you.

In our Abuse Using Technology section, you can learn the types of behaviors that are considered a misuse of technology. Some of these behaviors might be recognized as a crime depending on the specific laws of your state.

What are some crimes that the abuser may have committed in Tennessee?
If I am the victim of a crime, where can I get additional help in Tennessee?

What are some crimes that the abuser may have committed in Tennessee?

Here is a list of some possible crimes in Tennessee that the abuser may have committed. You can click on the links to read the legal definition of each crime on our State Statutes page:

Statute Crime (click here to sort the list alphabetically by crime names)
39-13-101 Assault
39-13-102 Aggravated assault
39-13-103 Reckless endangerment
39-13-106 Vehicular assault; intoxication
39-13-109 Criminal exposure of another to HIV, hepatitis B virus, or to hepatitis C virus
39-13-110 Female genital mutilation
39-13-111 Domestic assault
39-13-113 Domestic abuse
39-13-115 Aggravated vehicular assault
39-13-117 Grave torture
39-13-201 Criminal homicide
39-13-202 First degree murder
39-13-210 Second degree murder
39-13-211 Voluntary manslaughter
39-13-212 Criminally negligent homicide
39-13-213 Vehicular homicide
39-13-215 Reckless homicide
39-13-218 Aggravated vehicular homicide
39-13-302 False imprisonment
39-13-303 Kidnapping
39-13-304 Aggravated kidnapping
39-13-305 Especially aggravated kidnapping
39-13-306 Custodial interference
39-13-307 Involuntary labor servitude
39-13-308 Trafficking persons for forced labor or services
39-13-309 Trafficking a person for a commercial sex act
39-13-316 Aggravated human trafficking
39-13-502 Aggravated rape
39-13-503 Rape
39-13-504 Aggravated sexual battery
39-13-505 Sexual battery
39-13-506 Mitigated statutory rape; statutory rape; aggravated statutory rape
39-13-509 Sexual contact with a minor by an authority figure
39-13-511 Indecent exposure
39-13-517 Public indecency
39-13-518 Continuous sexual abuse of a child
39-13-522 Rape of a child
39-13-527 Sexual battery by an authority figure
39-13-528 Solicitation of person under 18 years of age
39-13-529 Sexual exploitation of minors via electronic means
39-13-531 Aggravated rape of a child
39-13-532 Statutory rape by an authority figure
39-13-534 Especially aggravated rape
39-13-535 Especially aggravated rape of a child
39-13-601 Wiretapping and electronic surveillance
39-13-605 Photographs; dissemination
39-13-606 Electronic tracking devices; motor vehicles
39-13-607 Observation without consent
39-13-611 Aggravated unlawful photographing
39-14-112 Extortion
39-14-150 Identity theft
39-15-302 Incest
39-15-401 Abuse or neglect
39-15-402 Aggravated child abuse and neglect
39-17-308 Harassment
39-17-309 Intimidation
39-17-315 Stalking
39-17-315 Aggravated stalking (subsection (c))
39-17-315 Especially aggravated stalking (subsection (d))
39-17-318 Unlawful exposure; image
39-17-1003 Sexual exploitation
39-17-1004 Aggravated sexual exploitation
39-17-1005 Especially aggravated sexual exploitation

If I am the victim of a crime, where can I get additional help in Tennessee?

For information on victims’ compensation in Tennessee, visit the Tennessee Department of Treasury’s Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund website, or contact them by telephone at (615) 741-2734.

The Tennessee Office of the Attorney General has victim liaisons who provide information and assistance to crime victims and their families involved in a criminal case where the defendant is appealing his/her conviction.

If you are a victim of domestic violence and have been charged with a crime, you can go to our Abuse Victims Charged with Crimes page.

Other organizations for victims of crime are listed on our National Organizations - Crime Victims page.