July 19, 2024Statutes: Rhode Island
- Title 8. Courts and Civil Procedure Courts
- Chapter 8.1. Domestic Assault
- 8-8.1-1. Definitions
- 8-8.1-2. Filing of complaint
- 8-8.1-3. Protective orders--Penalty--Jurisdiction
- 8-8.1-4. Temporary orders--Ex parte proceedings
- 8-8.1-4.1. Report to law enforcement agency
- 8-8.1-4.2. Return of service--Alternate service
- 8-8.1-5. Duties of police officers
- 8-8.1-6. Form of complaint
- 8-8.1-7. Notice of penalties--Notice of renewal
- 8-8.1-8. Appeal
- Chapter 8.3. Extreme Risk Protection Orders
- Chapter 8.4. Abusive Litigation
- Chapter 8.1. Domestic Assault
- Title 10. Courts and Civil Procedure--Procedure in Particular Actions
- Title 11. Criminal Offenses
- Chapter 1. General Provisions
- Chapter 2. Abandonment and Nonsupport
- Chapter 4. Arson and Fires
- Chapter 5. Assaults
- Chapter 8. Burglary and Breaking and Entering
- 11-8-1. Burglary
- 11-8-1.1. Attempted breaking and entering
- 11-8-2. Unlawful breaking and entering of dwelling house
- 11-8-2.1. Unlawful breaking and entering of dwelling with possession of instruments relating to wrongful setting of fires
- 11-8-2.2. Breaking and entering of a dwelling when resident on premises
- Chapter 9. Children
- Chapter 23. Homicide
- Chapter 26. Kidnapping
- Chapter 35. Public Utilities
- Chapter 37. Sexual Assault
- Chapter 37.2. Sexual Assault Protective Orders
- Chapter 44. Trespass and Vandalism
- Chapter 45. Disorderly Conduct
- Chapter 47. Weapons
- Chapter 49.1. Impersonation and Identity Fraud
- Chapter 52. Computer Crime
- Chapter 59. Stalking
- Chapter 64. Electronic Imaging Devices
- Chapter 69. Electronic Tracking of Motor Vehicles
- Title 12. Criminal Procedure
- Chapter 1. Identification and Apprehension of Criminals
- Chapter 10. Preliminary Proceedings in District Courts
- Chapter 29. Domestic Violence Prevention Act
- 12-29-1. Legislative purpose
- 12-29-1.1. Full faith and credit
- 12-29-1.2. Issuance of protective orders
- 12-29-2. Definitions
- 12-29-3. Law enforcement officers -- Duties and immunity
- 12-29-4. Restrictions upon and duties of court
- 12-29-4.1. Speedy trial
- 12-29-5. Disposition of domestic violence cases
- 12-29-7. Domestic abuse court advocacy project
- 12-29-8. Domestic violence reports
- 12-29-8.1. Restraining order no-contact order system (R.O.N.C.O.)
- 12-29-9. Medical data collection reports
- 12-29-10. Severability
- Title 15. Domestic Relations
- Chapter 5. Divorce and Separation
- 15-5-2. Additional grounds for divorce
- 15-5-3.1. Divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences
- 15-5-12. Domicile and residence requirements
- 15-5-16. Alimony and counsel fees--Custody of children
- 15-5-19. Restraining orders--Treatment for harmed or menaced spouse--Custody of children--Allowances--Alimony and counsel fees
- 15-5-24.3. Visitation rights--Grandparents and siblings
- 15-5-29. Mediation proceedings involving custody and/or visitation
- Chapter 8.1. Uniform Parentage Act
- Chapter 14.1. Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
- Chapter 15. Domestic Abuse Prevention
- Chapter 15.1. The Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act
- 15-15.1-1. Short title
- 15-15.1-2. Definitions
- 15-15.1-3. Judicial enforcement of order
- 15-15.1-4. Nonjudicial enforcement of order
- 15-15.1-4.1. Form of certification or confirmation
- 15-15.1-5. Registration of order
- 15-15.1-6. Immunity
- 15-15.1-7. Other remedies
- 15-15.1-8. Uniformity of application and construction
- 15-15.1-9. Severability
- Chapter 5. Divorce and Separation
- Title 28. Labor and Labor Relations
- Title 34. Property
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