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Legal Information: Ohio


Laws current as of October 1, 2024

Can I get temporary custody with a domestic violence protection order? How long will it last?

If you get a domestic violence protection order against the other parent, the judge might include a temporary custody and parenting time order for your children. However, the judge can only do this if there is no custody and parenting time order already in place and no ongoing custody case.1

How long the temporary custody order lasts will depend on whether custody is later being decided in a divorce, separation, or juvenile court case.2

If… Then…
you get a new custody and parenting time order from another case… the temporary custody and parenting time order in your protection order will end when the new order is issued.2
you don’t get a new order from another case… the temporary custody and parenting time will last as long as your protection order remains in place.2

1 Ohio Rev. Code § 3113.31(E)(1)(d)
2 Ohio Rev. Code § 3113.31(E)(3)(b)