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Legal Information: New Mexico

Statutes: New Mexico

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July 31, 2024

50-4A-4. Certification; verification

A. When domestic abuse leave is taken in an emergency, the employee or the employee’s designee shall give notice to the employer within twenty-four hours of commencing the domestic abuse leave.
B. An employer may require verification of the need for domestic abuse leave, and, if so, an employee shall provide one of the following forms of verification through furnishing in a timely fashion:
(1) a police report indicating that the employee or a family member was a victim of domestic abuse;
(2) a copy of an order of protection or other court evidence produced in connection with an incident of domestic abuse, but the document does not constitute a waiver of confidentiality or privilege between the employee and the employee’s advocate or attorney; or
(3) the written statement of an attorney representing the employee, a district attorney’s victim advocate, a law enforcement official or a prosecuting attorney that the employee or employee’s family member appeared or is scheduled to appear in court in connection with an incident of domestic abuse.