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Legal Information: Maryland

Housing Laws

Laws current as of August 19, 2024

Once I notify my landlord that I want to end my lease, do I still have to pay my rent?

You are only responsible for rent from the date your landlord is notified of your plan to end your lease up until the date you provide written notice that you left (“vacated”) the residence.1 Under this law, your landlord is considered to be notified that you vacated the residence on either:

  1. the date your written notice saying you vacated was postmarked, if delivered by first-class mail; or
  2. the date your written notice saying you vacated was hand-delivered, if delivered to the landlord in person.2

If you fail to give your landlord notice that you have vacated the residence, then the landlord can charge you for the full month’s rent.3 Remember, once you notify the landlord that you want to terminate your lease, you have to move out within 30 days.4

1 MD Code, Real Prop. § 8-5A-02(c)(1)
2 MD Code, Real Prop. § 8-5A-02(c)(2)(iii)
3 MD Code, Real Prop. § 8-5A-02(c)(2)(iv)
4 MD Code, Real Prop. § 8-5A-02(b)