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Legal Information: Kentucky


Laws current as of August 6, 2024

If there is a custody order in place, can I relocate?

If there is an order of joint custody and either parent wants to relocate, s/he has to file a written notice of relocation with the court and have it served upon the other parent. If the parents do not agree to the relocation, either parent can file a motion for change of custody or time-sharing within 20 days of when the notice of relocation was served. If both parents agree, they can make a written agreement to modify the time-sharing and file an “agreed order” with the court.1

If there is an order of sole custody and the sole custodian wants to relocate, s/he has to file a written notice of relocation with the court and have it served upon the other parent. If the court-ordered visitation would be affected by the relocation, the non-custodial parent can file a motion objecting to the change in visitation within 20 days of when s/he was served with the notice.2

1 Kentucky FCRPP 7(2)(a)
2 Kentucky FCRPP 7(2)(b)