Who is protected by these housing laws?
Illinois housing laws protect adult or child victims of domestic violence by a family or household member and victims of sexual violence, which includes stalking.1
For the purposes of these laws, “domestic violence” includes:
- physical abuse
- harassment
- intimidation of a dependent
- interference with personal liberty
- willful deprivation.2
For the purposes of these laws, “sexual violence” means any act of sexual assault, sexual abuse, or stalking of an adult or minor child. This includes but is not limited to these crimes:
- non-consensual sexual conduct
- non-consensual sexual penetration
- stalking
- aggravated stalking
- criminal sexual assault
- aggravated criminal sexual assault
- predatory criminal sexual assault of a child
- criminal sexual abuse
- aggravated criminal sexual abuse.3
1 765 ILCS 750/5
2 765 ILCS 750/10; 750 ILCS 60/103(1)
3 765 ILCS 750/10