WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information: Hawaii

Housing Laws

Laws current as of November 15, 2024

I’m a landlord, and one of my tenants has committed domestic violence against the other tenant in the unit. What are my options?

If both the victim and the abuser are tenants in the same rental unit, and the victim ends his/her rental agreement early, you have two options:

  1. You can allow the abuser to keep possession of the residence and hold the abuser responsible for all future rents due under the current rental agreement; or
  2. You can terminate the abuser’s rental agreement by serving him/her with a written notice of termination at least five days before the termination date. If the abuser fails to move out on that date, you can then evict him/her. 1

Note: Whether or not the abuser is your tenant, if the abuser’s actions caused the victim to break his/her rental agreement and this cost you money, you can sue the abuser for the money you lost.1 If you are complying with the law in good faith, the abuser can’t sue you for any damages or any other relief.2

1 HRS § 521-80(e)
2 HRS § 521-80(g)