What are the grounds for divorce in Hawaii?
For a judge to grant a divorce in Hawaii, the judge must find that at least one of the following reasons (grounds) for filing for divorce is true:
- The marriage is irretrievably broken (cannot be fixed);
- You and your spouse have lived separate and apart with a legal separation decree (“from bed and board”) for the time period the judge assigned, and at the end of that time, you and your spouse haven’t gotten back together (reconciled);
- The judge issued an alimony order while you and your spouse were still married, and after two years, you and your spouse haven’t gotten back together (reconciled); or
- You and your spouse have lived apart continuously for the two years before the divorce was filed, and the judge finds that:
- it is unlikely you and your spouse will get back together (reconcile); and
- granting a divorce in your situation is appropriate.1
1Haw. Stat. § 580-41