What are the residency requirements to file for divorce or dissolution in Alaska?
To file for divorce or dissolution in Alaska, either you or your spouse must be a resident of Alaska.1 Unlike many other states, the law does not set out a specific time period of residency before you can file. In Alaska, courts have interpreted residency as being physically present/domiciled in the state with the intent to remain in the state indefinitely and to make a home in the state.2 The Alaska Courts website explains residency as follows: “You are in Alaska when you file and intend to stay as a resident.”1 If you are uncertain if you would be considered a “resident,” we suggest talking to an attorney who specializes in divorce in Alaska prior to filing. See our AK Finding a Lawyer page for legal referrals.
1Alaska Courts website; see also Alaska Statute § 25.24.090
2 See Alaska Statute § 01.10.055(a); see also Perito v. Perito, 756 P.2d 895 (Supr. Ct 1988), citing Adams v. Adams, 522 P.2d 1125 (Supr. Ct 1974)