WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors.

About Abuse

When the Abuser Gets Out of Jail

Updated: March 4, 2021

How can I stay informed about the abuser’s incarceration status?

In a few states, there is a requirement that the authorities notify the victim when they are releasing an abuser from custody. In most states though, there is no requirement to notify victims. You may be able to talk to the prosecutor’s office that handled the case to see if they would agree to notify you when the abuser gets released. It might also be possible to contact the facility that is holding the abuser to ask if they have any sort of notification option for victims. However, if there is no requirement that these agencies notify you, then there is no guarantee that they will be willing to or remember to do so.

Another way that you can keep track of whether or not the abuser is still in jail or prison is by signing up for alerts with the Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) system. The VINELink system lets you find out information about whether the abuser is still in custody, and allows you to set up alerts for when the abuser is released. You can find more information, and sign up for free, on the VINELink page. Note: WomensLaw.org is not associated with this program and so we cannot vouch for its effectiveness, but we provide the link for your information.