WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information: North Carolina

State Gun Laws

Laws current as of
December 22, 2023

If the abuser is a law enforcement officer or other government official, do the state firearm laws still apply?

Maybe. If the abuser has not been convicted of a crime, and you have a DVPO against him, the abuser may still be able to use the gun for work purposes, but not for personal use.1 You can ask the judge at your DVPO hearing to order that the abuser cannot have a gun for work purposes . If the judge decides to check this box, the abuser cannot use a gun at work or for personal use. To see a copy of the DVPO order online, go to our NC Download Court Forms page.

If you are confused or not sure whether the abuser can still use his/her gun for work purposes, you can talk to a domestic violence advocate in your area or call the National Center on Full Faith and Credit to find out more information.

1 NCGS § 50B-3.1(k)