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Información Legal: Guam

Guam: Restraining Orders

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Leyes actualizadas al 31 de octubre de 2023

What is the legal definition of domestic abuse in Guam?

For purposes of getting a civil order of protection, domestic abuse means the occurrence of one or more of the following acts between family or household members:

  • causing or attempting to cause you bodily injury or serious bodily injury (with or without a deadly weapon);
  • placing you in fear of imminent (immediate) serious bodily injury by physically menacing (threatening/intimidating) you; or
  • sexual abuse of a minor child.1

Note: The criminal definition of family violence under the law is slightly different. Therefore, these are the acts that are considered to be criminal family violence:

  • attempting to cause or causing bodily injury to another family or household member;
  • placing a family or household member in reasonable fear of immediate bodily injury; or
  • intentionally disrupting the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of a family or household member by:
    • applying pressure to the throat or neck; or
    • blocking his/her nose or mouth.2

1 7 Guam Code § 40101; see also the petition for an order of protection
2 9 Guam Code § 30.10(a)

What types of orders of protection are there? How long do they last?

There are two types of orders of protection, a temporary order and a permanent order of protection.

A temporary order of protection can be given to you by a judge if s/he believes it is necessary to protect you or your minor children from abuse. The order can be issued ex parte, which means without the abuser being notified beforehand or being present in court, if the judge believes that notifying the abuser ahead of time would further endanger the safety and welfare of you or your minor child/ren. However, if the abuser is already represented by an attorney, then the attorney needs to be notified beforehand.1

After you file your petition, the judge may ask you some questions at an ex parte hearing. If you are not in court but rather your attorney is filing the papers for you, the judge can still issue the temporary order. The order will last for up to ten days until the case is set down for a “show cause hearing.”2 The temporary order must first be served upon the abuser before it takes effect.

After the abuser is served, s/he has the opportunity to appear at the “show cause hearing” where both you and the abuser will have an opportunity to tell your own sides of the story to a judge. The court can postpone the hearing for a reasonable period of time if the abuser wants to get an attorney. During the continuance, the judge can change (modify) the temporary order or continue it as-is (or, in some cases, even make it permanent). At the hearing, you will have to prove your allegations in the petition to be granted a permanent order of protection by the judge or you and the abuser may agree to have a “consent agreement” issued in which the abuser agrees to not abuse you and/or your children. The order can last for a period of time determined by the judge.2

1 MR 2.1.3.(A)(1), (A)(3); 7 Guam Code § 40104(a), (b)
2 MR 2.1.3.(A)(4), (B)(4), (B)(5)

What protections can I get in an order of protection?

A temporary ex parte order of protection and a permanent order of protection can do the following:

  • order the respondent to stop harassing, abusing, threatening, using or attempting to use physical force or cause bodily injury to the you and your minor children;
  • order the respondent to have no communication with you and your children, either directly or indirectly;
  • order the respondent to stay 500 feet away from you, your minor child/ren, your home, your place of employment, and your school;
  • award you temporary custody of your children in a temporary order or permanent custody in a permanent order;
  • allow the respondent to have visitation or prohibit all visitation;
  • order the respondent to not interfere with your temporary custody and to not remove your children from Guam;
  • if the home is jointly owned or leased by you and the abuser, giving you exclusive possession of the family home by evicting the respondent or, if you already left the home, you can be put back in the home;1
  • if the home is owned or leased only by the respondent, the judge can still give you exclusive possession of the family home by evicting the respondent or, if you already left the home, you can be put back in the home if the respondent has a legal duty to support you or your minor children who were living in the residence. Note: Another possibility, if both parties agree, is that the judge can approve an agreement that would allow the respondent to remain in the home but to provide you with suitable, alternative housing; 
  • if you are married to the abuser, or if you have a minor child in common and you live together, the respondent can be ordered to:
    • not take any action that could result in the termination of any necessary utility services or services related to the family home or your home where you live with your children; and pay for (maintain) utility services or other necessary services;
    • not take any action that could result in the cancelation, change of coverage, or change of beneficiary of any health, automobile, or homeowners insurance policy that would harm you or your children with the abuser; and maintain such policies without change in coverage or beneficiary designation;
    • provide you with temporary possession of any automobile, checkbook, documentation of health, automobile or homeowners insurance, a document needed for purposes of proving identity, a key, or other necessary specified personal items; 
    • make rent or mortgage payments on the family home or your home where you live with your children;
    • pay child support if the respondent has a legal duty to support them and the ability to pay;2
  • order the respondent to pay certain costs and fees, including rent or mortgage payments, child support, medical and dental costs, court costs, or attorneys fees; and
  • order the abuser to temporarily or permanently surrender any kind of weapon or instrument that could cause harm or injury if it were in the possession of the respondent.1

Note: In a permanent order of protection, if the judge finds “probable cause” to do so, the judge is supposed to require the respondent to immediately surrender all firearms and ammunition to the Marshal of the Court, or to another other law enforcement officer. “Probable cause” can come from the allegations you made in your petition or from evidence presented at the hearing. In addition, the judge can issue any search warrants that are necessary for the Marshal to get the weapons and ammunition.3

1 MR 2.1.4.
2 7 Guam Code § 40105(a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5)
3 MR 2.1.8.(A)(1), (A)(2)

How can a victim advocate help me in court?

A victim advocate is allowed to be with you in the courtroom and talk to you during the case to help you make decisions. An advocate can also help you prepare your petition for an abuse protection order.1 

1 7 Guam Code § 40103(b)

Si el agresor vive en otro estado, ¿puedo conseguir una orden en su contra?

Si el/la agresor/a vive en un estado diferente al suyo, el/la juez/a podría no tener “jurisdicción personal” (poder) sobre ese/a agresor/a. Esto significa que es posible que el tribunal no pueda otorgar una orden en contra de él/ella.

Hay algunas formas en las que una corte puede tener jurisdicción personal sobre un/a agresor/a que es de otro estado:

  1. El/la agresor/a tiene una conexión sustancial a su estado. Quizás el/la agresor/a viaja regularmente a su estado para visitarlo/a, por negocios, para ver la familia extendida, o el/la agresor/a vivía en su estado y huyó recientemente.
  2. Uno de los actos de maltrato “ocurrió” en su estado. Quizás el/la agresor/a le envía mensajes amenazantes o le hace llamadas acosadoras desde otro estado pero usted lee los mensajes o contesta las llamadas mientras usted está en su estado. El/la juez/a puede decidir que el maltrato “ocurrió” mientras estaba en su estado. También puede ser posible que el/la agresor/a estaba en su estado cuando le maltrató pero desde entonces se fue del estado.
  3. Otra forma para que la corte adquiera jurisdicción es si usted presenta su petición en el estado donde usted está, y el/la agresor/a recibe notificación de la petición de la corte mientras él/ella está en ese estado.

Sin embargo, aunque nada de esto aplique a su situación, eso no necesariamente significa que usted no pueda conseguir una orden. A usted le pueden dar una orden por consentimiento o el/la juez/a puede encontrar otras circunstancias que permitan que la orden sea dada. Puede leer más sobre jurisdicción personal en nuestra sección de Asuntos Básicos del Sistema Judicial - Jurisdicción Personal.

Nota: Si el/la juez/a de su estado se niega a dar una orden, usted puede pedir una orden en la corte del estado donde vive el/la agresor/a. Sin embargo, recuerde que es probable que usted necesite presentar la petición en persona y asistir a varias citas en la corte, lo cual podría ser difícil si el estado de el/la agresor/a es lejos.

If I am afraid to go to court for the hearing, is there another option?

You can request that the court allow you to “appear” in court by telephone, video conference, or by another two-way electronic communication device. In making this decision as to whether to allow it, the judge should consider whether your safety or welfare would be threatened if testimony were required to be provided in person at a proceeding. The same protections also apply to a witness who is called to court to testify.1

1 7 Guam Code § 40103(c)