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Legal Information: Arizona

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of December 12, 2023

What protections can I get in an injunction against harassment?

In an IAH, a judge may order that the abuser:

  • stop harassing you;.
  • stop contacting you or other people listed in your petition through telephone calls, letters, messages through someone else, personal contact, etc.;
  • stay away from the home, place of employment or school of you or anyone named in the petition; and
  • the judge can order any other relief necessary for the protection of the you or anyone named in your petition.1

If the abuser violates any of these terms, it may be a crime and may result in the abuser’s arrest.2

1 A.R.S. § 12-1809(F)
2 A.R.S. § 12-1809(I)