What kinds of alimony are there in West Virginia?
There are four kinds of alimony, known as spousal support in West Virginia:
- Permanent spousal support can last until either you or your spouse dies.
- Temporary spousal support (known as “pendente lite”) is for a limited time and ends under specific circumstances. For instance, a judge can order temporary spousal support until you get remarried, your children are no longer minors, or for other reasons a judge finds appropriate.
- Rehabilitative spousal support is for the purpose of helping you to reach financial stability. This kind of support can be ordered to help you go to school or get job training or until you find your own income. Rehabilitative spousal support is usually for a limited time.
- Spousal support in gross is when the judge orders one specific payment or amount to be paid. This kind of support can be ordered in two ways:
- a judge may order a one-time payment from your spouse; or
- a judge may order a specific amount your spouse must pay, but allow the payment to made in installments over a certain period of time.1
1 W. Va. Code § 48-8-101; “Spousal Support: Frequently Asked Questions,” Legal Aid of West Virginia