WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information: Oregon

Housing Laws

Laws current as of July 8, 2024

Is it possible for me to stay on the lease but the abuser's tenancy rights would be terminated?

The landlord can terminate the abuser’s tenancy rights under the lease if you and the abuser are co-tenants and still keep you as the remaining tenant on the lease. Specifically, the law says that if one tenant commits a criminal act of physical violence related to domestic violence, sexual assault, bias crime, or stalking against another tenant, the landlord can terminate the rental agreement of the perpetrating tenant by giving him/her 24 hours’ written notice. However, the landlord cannot terminate the rental agreement of the other tenant(s) based on the incident.1 If there are any remaining tenants, the tenancy will continue for those tenants.2

There are more related protections as well that we do not mention here. To read the additional protections and the penalties for a landlord who violates this law, please read section 90.445 on our Selected Oregon Statutes page.

1 OR ST § 90.445(1)(a)
2 OR ST § 90.456