Who can get a domestic violence protective order?
If you area victim of abuse, as defined by law, you can apply for a protective order against:
- a spouse or former spouse;
- someone you live(d) with “as a spouse;”
- someone you have a child in common with;
- someone you are related to by blood, adoption, or marriage who you live(d) with;
- a current or former dating partner.1
Any person over 18, or someone under 18 who is legally married, can file for a protective order. If the victim is an unmarried minor or someone who is alleged to be “incompetent,”then that person’s parent, adult household member, or a “next friend” can file for a protective order on his/her behalf.2
1 Miss. Code § 93-21-3(a)
2 Miss. Code § 93-21-7(1)