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Legal Information: Louisiana

Housing Laws

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Laws current as of November 21, 2023

Once I notify my landlord that I want to end my lease, how soon do I have to move out? Do I still have to pay rent?

When you have followed the steps laid out above to request an early lease termination, the lease agreement will end within 30 days of when you make the request on a date agreed-upon by you and the landlord.1 You will be responsible for rent through that termination date, as well as any prior rent already owed to the landlord.2 These amounts must be paid on or before the date you move out or additional future rent may be owed as well.3

You will not lose your security deposit just because you are ending your lease. The landlord is only allowed to withhold the security deposit for the specific reasons under Louisiana’s housing law that would be available upon the normal termination of a lease, such as if you damaged the property.2

1 La. Rev. Stat. § 9:3261.1(F)(1)
2 La. Rev. Stat. § 9:3261.1(F)(2)
3 La. Rev. Stat. § 9:3261.1(F)(1), (F)(2)