How do I change or extend my protective order?
Extending your order
When your DVO is expiring, you can apply to extend it for an additional period of up to three years. There is no limit on the number of times an order may be reissued (extended). There does not need to be a new act of domestic violence for the order to be reissued.1 However, if there has been no further abuse or contact, you may want to be prepared to explain to the judge why you are still in danger of further abuse – for example, based on the history of abuse, gun ownership, etc.
Changing your order
Either you or the abuser can file a motion to change (amend) a domestic violence order.2 After a hearing, the judge will decide whether or not to grant the amendment requested.
Note: After a final DVO is issued, it’s possible to file a motion to amend it to request that the abuser wear a GPS device. The judge can grant your request if the abuser has committed a serious violation of a prior domestic violence order and if the judge believes that the GPS device would increase your safety.3
1 KRS § 403.740(4)
2 KRS § 403.745(5)
3 KRS § 403.761(1)