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Legal Information: Indiana

State Gun Laws

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Laws current as of July 30, 2024

I do not have an order for protection against the abuser, and s/he has not been convicted of a crime. Is there anything I can do?

Even if you do not have an order for protection against the abuser and s/he has not been convicted of any crime, Indiana state law makes it illegal to buy or have a firearm if a person:

  1. has been found by a judge to be “dangerous” during a hearing for the seizure and retention of firearms by law enforcement;1 or
  2. is unlawfully present in the United States.2

If neither of these situations apply, you can still make a plan for your safety. See our Safety Planning page for more information. You can also contact your local domestic violence organization for additional help. You may want to talk to them about whether leaving the area - either long term or for a little while - might help improve your safety. See our Indiana Places that Help page to find a local domestic violence organization near you.

Also, federal laws, which apply to all states, may restrict an abuser’s right to have a gun. Go to Federal Gun Laws to get more information.

For additional information on gun laws in Indiana, you can go to the Giffords Law Center website.

1 IC § 35-47-4-6.5
2 IC § 35-47-4-8(b)