What protections can a judge include in a custody order when there is family violence?
A judge in a custody or visitation case can include any of the following protections in the order if the judge determines that one parent committed family violence against the other:
- that the exchange of your child take place in a protected setting;
- that your child’s visitation be supervised by another person or an agency;
- that the abuser must attend and complete a program of intervention for perpetrators of family violence or other counseling in order to have visitation with your child;
- that either parent or any other party with visitation not drink alcohol or take drugs during the visitation and for 24 hours before the visitation;
- that the abuser pay a fee to cover the costs of supervised visitation, or pay for the services of a guardian ad litem if the court appoints one;
- that overnight visitation be prohibited;
- that the abuser pay a bond to guarantee the return and safety of your child; and
- any other condition that is necessary to provide for the safety of your child, you, any victim of family violence, or any other family or household member.1
1 19 Guam Code § 8404(1)(l)