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Legal Information: Federal

Statutes: Federal Statutes

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November 22, 2024

10 U.S.C. § 928b. Art. 128b. Domestic violence

(a) In general.–Any person who–

(1) commits a violent offense against a spouse, an intimate partner, a dating partner, or an immediate family member of that person;

(2) with intent to threaten or intimidate a spouse, an intimate partner, a dating partner, or an immediate family member of that person–

(A) commits an offense under this chapter against any person; or

(B) commits an offense under this chapter against any property, including an animal;

(3) with intent to threaten or intimidate a spouse, an intimate partner, a dating partner, or an immediate family member of that person, violates a protection order;

(4) with intent to commit a violent offense against a spouse, an intimate partner, a dating partner, or an immediate family member of that person, violates a protection order; or

(5) assaults a spouse, an intimate partner, a dating partner, or an immediate family member of that person by strangling or suffocating;

shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

(b) Definitions.–In this section, the terms “dating partner”, “immediate family”, and “intimate partner” have the meanings given such terms in section 930 of this title (article 130).