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Legal Information: Alaska


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Laws current as of October 2, 2024

I am the child's grandparent. Can I file for visitation of the child?

If you file for visitation before there was ever a court case for custody of the child, you may get visitation if you have established or attempted to establish ongoing personal contact with the child and the visitation is in the child’s best interest.1

If you file for visitation after there has already been a final custody or adoption order issued by the court regarding the child, you can file for visitation only if:

  1. you did not request visitation from the court during the custody or adoption case; or
  2. there has been a change in circumstances relating to the custodial parent or the child that justifies reconsideration of your visitation rights.2

If your child, who is your grandchild’s parent, has a history of domestic violence against the other parent or a history of child abuse, this will be taken into account when the judge decides whether to give you visitation rights and what the terms and conditions of the visitation will be.3

1 AK ST § 25.20.065(a)
2 AK ST § 25.20.065(b)
3 AK ST § 25.20.065(c)