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Will the Orthodox community accept a get from a Conservative beit din?

Although I am not an specifically familiar with Jewish get laws, our WomensLaw.org site does have information about Jewish get law, here: http://www.womenslaw.org/laws_state_type.php?id=12530&state_code=RL  However, I consulted with an attorney who is very familiar with Judaism and she mentioned that it is possible that the Orthodox movement would not consider a get from a non-Orthodox beit din because the tenets of the Orthodox movement are very strict.  As an example of the strictness of the Orthodox community, she mentioned that if a Reform Jewish woman married a patrilineal Jew, there is some question if the Orthodox rabbinate would even accept the marriage as halachic; and the couple may not need a get to be considered divorced.  However, since we can’t advise on specific situations, we cannot say for sure what would happen in your situation. 

After reading through our site, if you are unsure if the Orthodox movement would consider a get granted by a Conservative beit din,you may want to consult your rabbi or perhaps a friend or relative who trusts his/her rabbi can connect you with that rabbi. Another way to find a rabbi to consult may be through the websites of the Union for Reform Judaism https://www.urj.org/ the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism http://www.uscj.org/, the Jewish Reconstructionist Communities: https://jewishrecon.org/, or the Orthodox Union of Rabbis www.ou.org. If you are an agunah, go to http://www.agunahinternational.com.